It's BACK - the 2011 Global Survey of JWs!!

by cedars 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    I'm pleased to announce that despite some considerable teething troubles (of which many of you will be aware!), the 2011 Survey of JWs is back on the road! There is no need for any donations, so none will be asked for in any way, shape or form. All we want are your RESPONSES!! Obviously, if you have already taken part in this survey, we don't need to hear from you again, and you should be blocked from entering anyway. However, if you haven't yet taken part in the survey, now is the time to do so:

    For those of you who are unfamiliar - the purpose of the survey is to gather as much information as possible about how current and former JWs TRULY feel about the Governing Body and its teachings. There is no reliable alternative way of gathering this kind of information, and we feel that a survey such as this, which will be conducted annually, should help to shed light on how ordinary members and former members of the faith genuinely feel about the organization, and its leadership. All responses to the survey are made anonymously, so you have absolutely nothing to fear from taking part. Once the responses have all been gathered, they will be published in a report for the attention of the Governing Body and the world's media.

    Without divulging too much information prematurely, a very kind and technically-gifted member of this forum has come up with a solution whereby the survey will be able to continue indefinitely without any need for donations etc. The current surveymonkey survey will expire on 19th October, to be replaced by an identical FREE survey that will include all of the results that have previously been accumulated. An announcement will be made nearer the time with the exact details.

    So far 537 responses have been gathered since the survey began on 19th September. I realise that this is a very modest figure, and for the results to be meaningful we need considerably more responses, however we have been hindered in gathering responses over the past two weeks for a variety of reasons, and hopefully now the main problems have been resolved we can proceed unhindered and gather as many responses as possible before the end of the year.

    As before, I am interested in any feedback that you may have to offer. Helpful suggestions on this thread and previous threads will be used for a revised version of the survey which will be launched on 1st January for the duration of 2012.

    I will be updating this thread survey with a summary of the results as they stand.

    I think that's everything! If you have any comments or questions, please let me know!


  • cantleave

    FANTASTIC !!!!!

  • TimothyT

    GO CEDARS!!!

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    I just really want to thank you for all your hard work. I already took the survey but am glad it is back.


  • cedars

    Thanks everyone, reports of the survey's demise were greatly exaggerated!

  • AGuest

    Do it! Everyone should do it (I did it the first time around...). NOT in the hopes of bringing about the demise of the WTBTS (SA spits and exclaims "Ack, vey, oh no, no one wants THAT!")... but perhaps to at least try and help make the "life" of those inside... and their loved ones now on the outside... just a TAD bit more... ummmmm... bearable.

    True, our dear loved ones (family and friends) still inside her are captives... and slaves. But we all know that hardships they're undergoing and burdenous loads they're carrying. Sure, they are "loving" it, CHOOSING it... but that's because they truly don't know any better... or have the courage (yet) to bring their own suffering to an end. Would we wish such loads and tyrannies on our enemies? With rare exception, I don't think we would.

    Do I think the WTBTS will listen? Heck, no. But one never knows... and love... HOPES all things. Even that perhaps this "Rehoboam"-ish harlot WILL listen. But who knows: maybe their failure to do so will result in a further "dividing" of "Israel". Sad and unfortunate, but better than nothing.

    Thank you, dear cedars, for making this available... and working out the concerning "kinks."

    Peace to you!

    A [hopeful] slave of Christ,

    SA, who thinks that, perhaps, for the first time something should be "spammed"... or at least the board mods should consider having a separate "room" entitled "Surveys" where anyone can post a survey thread (hey, yeah, how about that last one?)

    So far 537 responses have been gathered since the survey began on 19th September. I realise that this is a very modest figure,....Cedars

    Give it time..People come and go here..

    They show up every once in a while and are gone again..

    As news of your survey grows..

    Momentum will build..


  • AGuest

    People come and go here

    I think I'm gonna send a personal email to every [ex]JW I know... that I think would take it, dear OUTLAW (the greatest of love and peace to you, my dear friend!). I'll let them know that it was created by current JWs... and I "accidentally" ran across it (which is true: I wasn't looking for it, here), so they won't think "apostate" from the get go. I just think they should know it exists.

    Peace, dear one!

    Your servant, friend, and a slave of Christ,


  • cedars

    2011 Global Survey of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    Results as of 4 th October 2011 (88 days remaining)

    Number of respondents: 552

    Current status of respondents:





    Never baptized…….8%…..44

    “Calling” of respondents:


    Great Crowd…………34.5%…..125


    Note, of the 14 who claimed to be of the anointed, 6 are active witnesses.

    Reasons for leaving organization:

    I broke a bible command……………………….9.2%…..25

    I went against the policies of JWs………..15.1%…..41

    I disagreed with the teachings of JWs….69.5%…..189

    I would rather not say……………………………6.3%…..17

    Positions of respondents:

    Ministerial Servants…………………….6.5%…..30…..(17 are active)

    Elders…………………………………………..3.5%…..16…..(8 are active)

    Circuit Overseers………………………..0.0%…..0…..(0 are active)

    District Overseers……………………….0.2%…..1…..(1 is active)

    Branch Committee Members………0.0%…..0…..(0 are active)

    Gilead graduates / missionaries…0.0%…..0…..(0 are active)

    MTS (or BSSB) graduates………….0.9%…..4…..(1 is active)

    Bethel volunteers……………………….1.1%…..5…..(1 is active)

    Regular pioneers………………………..3.5%…..16…..(9 are active)

    Special pioneers…………………………0.2%…..1…..(1 is active)

    None of the above……………………..88.7%…..407…..(57 are active)

    Beliefs/practices disagreed with (most contentious in bold):


    Blood transfusions………………………………………………88%…..485

    Paedophilia – judicial matter rather than crime.92.7%…..511

    Paedophiles not barred from serving as elders…83.1%…..458

    Paedophiles – two witness rule………………………….88.7%…..489

    Paedophiles - names kept confidential……………..85.7%…..472

    Bible prophecy…………………………………………………….82.4%…..454

    Governing Body as God’s sole channel……………..89.8%…..495

    Governing Body – no contact with remnant……..75%…..413

    Increasing light concept……………………………………..89.3%…..492

    Stance on higher education………….………..94.7%…..522

    Stance on extra-curricular sports……………………….88%…..485

    Only anointed partake of emblems…………………….62.4%…..344

    Treatment of women…………………………………………..75%…..413




    Apostates = mentally diseased…………………………..89.8%…..495

    Fall of Jerusalem in 607 BCE………………………………82.6%…..455

    Christ only a mediator for 144,000……………………80.9%…..446


    Others not mentioned………………………………..………29.2%…..161

    Agree with Governing Body*………………….………….2.2%…..12

    *Of the 12 who ticked that they agreed with the Governing Body, 7 appear to be genuine, based on their other entries on the survey. 5 evidently ticked the box mistakenly.

    The UN / NGO Scandal:

    Knew about it………..73.9%…..402

    Didn’t know…………….26.3%..…143

    Of the 143 who said they didn’t know, 18 were active publishers.

    All comments are subject to review and will be posted separately if it is appropriate to do so.


    Good Morning Shelby!..

    Knowing it`s a Current JW doing a survey..

    Is going to make all the difference in the world..

    JW`s are like Lemmings..

    Where one goes the rest follow..

    There are times while I`m posting Here..

    I`m also texting to someone in a JW/WBT$ Assembly..

    Sometimes in a Kingdom Hall..

    JW`s get bored at those Venues..What if I gave them Something to do?..

    We should send the WBT$ GB a Gigantic bottle of Aspirin..

    They are about to have a Huge Headache..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

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