Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-11-2011 WT Study (CLEAR WARNINGS)

by blondie 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Watch out, my inner smart-aleck is acting up....

    "To be sure, Satan is an evil foe who is bent on misdirecting us..."

    As Blondie pointed out, the Watchtower Society has mis-directed Jehovah's Witnesses for over 100 years... So just who is REALLY directing the Watchtower organization, anyway??

    Possibly Satan himself??? [And I would have had some decent visuals, too, if Photof*ckit hadn't been totally screwed up!!!]

  • jgnat

    This was a very important study to go over. Thank you, Blondie, for covering it so thoroughly and compassionately. Though all of your study is of great value for inserting some sanity to the WT message, I was touched by the very human example of WT policy change. Before the ban, informal gatherings, social connection. After the ban, isolation.

  • ziddina
    "..."Meddlers in other people's affairs." It is not our right to tell others how to run their personal affairs. ..."

    Really? And yet the Gov.Bod feels that THEY have the right to meddle in the most intimate of relations between husband and wife, laying down edicts on how to run the most personal of affairs - sexual practices in the bedroom...

    What HYPOCRITES!!!!

  • shamus100


    There is little to point out these days - the numbers don't lie. The watchtower's numbers are dwindling, especially evident in the 'new recruits'. They have shot themselves in the foot being 'god's messenger' and pretended that they weren't shot at all. Now it's time to amputate the leg - and they are doing it and don't know what's going to happen next.

    I foresee that JW's will become a pretty obscure group in the next ten years. They will need to rely on emerging countries and doing the old blame game about how 'the light gets brighter and brighter'. ;D

  • ziddina

    Monkey, I sure hope that you're right...

  • ziddina
    "...Because the numbskulls are vague and secretive about what 'apostates' are saying and that gets the R&F interested. That's what got me out. ..."

    Great comments, Mary!

    I suspect that the Rank&File may be asking themselves, "I wonder if they're having the same questions/issues/concerns that I'm having...??"

  • jgnat

    Hey, it was mention of Facebook from the stage that twigged me on to it's existence. The WT does itself more harm by admonishing, "Don't look in there!"

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