September 11th, 2011- The Difference Between JW's and Reality

by OnTheWayOut 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I can agree with some that say there have been plenty of tragedies worldwide where plenty more lives were lost. So what was special about the loss experienced ten years ago on Sept. 11th, 2001 in the United States?

    I might have a bias on this subject because I am a first responder in a different city. That very day, as I was watching the unfolding of this tragedy on the television with the rest of the world, I was also preparing to respond the same way my fellow first-responders in NYC were doing.

    What was so special was that people came together to help strangers. NYC had such a reputation as the hustle-and-bustle place where you would get run over if you didn't get out of the way. But it wasn't like that after this tragedy. We could focus on the first responders or we could focus on the ordinary citizens or we could even focus on the national and international responders in the days after. But we find that people are good, people come to the aid of their fellow humans. We could focus on the Pennsylvania crash victims who had heard about the acts of terrorism and took matters into their own hands to prevent another such tragedy.

    But we can also compare what we knew as JW's or ex-JW's with what we saw and heard. "The world is selfish," they told us. Oh, their PR people said that the WTS came to the aid of victims in NYC the same as the rest of the world, but we have also heard that they went into lockdown to protect themselves and only aided JW's and provided slight comfort to some official first-responders in their lobby. I don't even have to blink to know what the truth is about that matter.

    In the United States and other places today, the world will pat those brave men and women on the back. They will honor victims and those who came to the aid of others. It is well-deserved. But the difference: JW's will be going to the Kingdom Hall and discussing outsiders as if they are enemies. They will decry how the outsiders are "patriotic" because they are part of Satan's world. They will tell stories of how they rushed to the aid of their fellow man with Watchtower magazines, about how awful the world is, while they denounce those that provided temporary relief 'in this system only' with food, water, shovels, sweat, self determination, etc. etc. but how their "preaching" work was offering permanent solutions. What a laugh.

    Sept. 11th will always mean to me that WTS was wrong again. The world is not as horrible as they say. I was still very active in the JW's 10 years ago. I pioneered starting that very month for a year. It was really "Jehovah's" last chance to prove that WTS had the truth for me. I was also a new first responder at that time, having decided that I needed a decent career in "this system" after WTS declared in 1995 that the end might not be so imminent when they changed the definition of "this generation." So I suppose the weeks and months that followed Sept. 11th, 2001 were my opportunity to really compare what I was trained to believe about the world and the reality of the world.

    Sept. 11th, 2001 was a very important part of my own path to freedom. I will feel good today about where I am because of the reality of the world.

    Thanks for reading.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Can I ask you because this question came to me when watching the Naudet brothers' documentary about NY fire fighters: how does a JW firefighter reconcile the 'close brotherhood' that clearly exists between American firefighters and the WT propaganda that worldly people are deserving of destruction and should be kept firmly at arms length?

  • OnTheWayOut

    A typical JW firefighter would compartmentalize their conflicting dissonances. They would laugh and feel the close brotherhood at the firehouse and enjoy themselves at work, but then they would look for reason to say that these "worldly" associates are bad associates. They would go to the Kingdom Hall and say that they see jokes about racism and sex at their job. They would note how their co-workers are going through divorce and chalk it up to their "worldly" thinking, while ignoring the fact that their JW brothers and sisters are going through divorce.

    I could never totally isolate myself from the brotherhood at work, because my life depends on my co-workers. It would be the saddest thing for a JW to be a first-responder who isolates himself from his co-workers and acts as if they are offended by everything they say. Even that probably exists, and I am confident that the firefighters would still risk their own lives to save even that JW just as much as they would any other first responder or citizen.

    I hope that answers your question, MM.

    If any are free to speak up today, and JW's approach you on the street or at your front door, I hope you tell them that you are glad that people are not as bad as "they" say they are.

  • designs

    Everything Event of tragic proportions must be a step toward Armageddon otherwise the world makes no sense to a JW. Terrorist attacks, Hunger, even Storms and natural disasters are all occuring because the Earth is out of harmony with Jehovah and the big A fixes all problems.

  • OnTheWayOut

    In early 2008, I took a trip to NYC. I went with the purpose of attempting to get onto "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." I did try, but did not get on. But I went to experience things for myself. I went to "Ground Zero, " just a giant hole in Manhattan. I read about what happened and what was to become of that site. I took the ferry out to the Statue of Liberty. My JWN photo includes a "Statue of Liberty" hat although it's hard to tell.

    I also met with other ex-JW's from this forum while I was there. I will leave their names out in case some of them don't want people to know that they live in or near New York. That was a huge part of my path to personal liberty.

    Maybe I relate everything on JWN to Watchtower or ex-JW stuff. That's what this forum means to me.

  • sizemik

    Measured by Christian standards, many first responers performed the greatest possible act of love that day . . . not just for their "friends" but complete strangers.

    That the JW's cannot acknowledge and applaud such a thing is a damning indictment on their form of Christianity . . . they in effect deny the core value of what they proclaim belongs exclusively to them.

    It's a glaring failure . . . an utter failure.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I watched that Naudet brothers' documentary this evening, complete with the 2011 update.

    It certainly showed how in the face of danger, the firemen run in while we are running out. I've always respected what they do, but even more so after watching that documentary again.

    That respect goes to you too, OTWO (even though I know you weren't asking for it).

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I think most witnesses will just want to put the ten year anniversary out of their minds. All remembering does for them is remind them how ten years ago, everyone said 'This is it! This system can't POSSIBLY last another decade.' So to reduce cognitive dissonance, they decide to just ignore it, just like they try to ignore the fact it's been almost 100 yrs since 1914.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Thank you OTWO, that does help me to understand.

    @Broken Promises: I was struck by the fact that so many of the firefighters 10 years on looked 20 years older.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The emotion of 911 is oppressive, the recorded calls, the buildings falling, and the death simply wear me down. It's done. The families mourn thier loss and we are on the watch. The best thing I've heard this 911 season is the NYC firefighter who said, "All they talk about are the 5,000 + who died and not the fact that those firefighters saved 20,000 lives that day by getting people out of the towers!" That's what I would like to focus on.

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