WT: "Don't watch news items featuring witnesses!"

by cedars 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    Thanks trailerfitter - I wish that was the only thing I needed to warn against, but I've just finished issuing another warning about an article that is to be discussed only 2 weeks later about avoiding disfellowshipped family members. It astonishes me how bitter and hateful the Society's articles are when read objectively. Your wife will no doubt think that all these warnings are for her benefit, when in reality they are solely for the benefit of the Society as a kind of 'firewall' against any undermining of its position from outside influences.

    If the Society were a benevolent organisation that simply had its own opinion and was happy to let anyone else express theirs, I don't think this site would exist - as many of us would be happy for them to get on with their crazy ideas about 1918 etc. However, the truth is - it is a covertly aggressive organisation that, even now, is engineering and sustaining rifts between families - completely against bible principle, not to mention all intelligent/humanitarian reason. I've only seen this for myself in the last few months, such is the draw of it all, because when you are on the inside it is all so convincing. You literally need to be mentally 'unplugged' to see it for yourself, but that in itself is no easy process. I feel for you.

  • trailerfitter

    Zid, it won't work. She is hooked "big time". It is all new and shiney for her. I am slightly Empatic so feel the lovely white fuzzy feeling and also see the emotion in her eyes about it. (that also includes the fingers in ears tactic too). She is Russian so any reference to men domiating the field is nothing new to her. They treat men and put them on pedistals there!!!...

    Cedars.... I hear all the time from my beloved that family comes first but she still manages to find time to read study BS and go to the KH 3 time a week and add some ministry on top of that. I hope the WT material is timed correctly to suit the UK as well as the US then I will actually stop any counter activity about the WT.

  • ziddina

    Er, trailerfitter, in that case, I have another suggestion for you...

    Discreetly find out how she feels about the way Muslim women are treated - or how she feels about Islam in general.

    Then obtain a Koran, and compare it to the bible. Make notes of all the similarities...

    Then show her the similarities.

    That might wake her up as to the Middle-Eastern nature of the bible...


  • trailerfitter

    You know that all other religions are false and the JWs are the only true ones. We have talked about it but not in any great depth. Perhaps I will convert to Islam.?? ( I am joking BTW)..

  • cedars

    It's a tough one, and there's never any quick fix - but that doesn't make it altogether impossible. I think, though, that you would need an awful lot of patience, and for your wife to be an understanding and reasonable person to begin with (which I'm assuming she is). I was extremely lucky in that, on reaching my own conclusions about the society, I was able to immediately share them openly with my wife, and she more-or-less agreed with everything without putting up too much of a fight. I know it doesn't work that way for everyone, but I think with time, sound & logical reasoning, and huge amounts of time and patience - you can get there eventually.

  • trailerfitter

    Cedars, yes there is no quick fix and she is the type that is loyal and dutyful fortunately for the WT. I have some patience and if we do not talk about the issue it goes away....until she is involved in some sort of JW activity. I did warn her that we may not be around if she decides the JWs are more important than us. This hasn't happened yet ...

  • jookbeard

    do the perverts of the GB ever wonder that by printing this crap to censure everything "apostate" that it has the exact reverse affect ? do they wonder at all why so many are leaving?

  • ziddina

    @ Jookbeard - [giggle!] Seriously? The Governing Body thinks that they speak for "Jehovah"; and how could "He" be wrong?

    Teasing aside, ex-JWs everywhere have wondered exactly what you asked - "Do they wonder at all why so many are leaving?"

    And the fact that their ONLY response - well, responses - have been to LOWER the amount of time one has to put in, PLUS becoming even harsher and more dictatorial, indicates that they certainly aren't thinking with their brains or seeing what is really happening...

    Now, if only they'd allow women more power in the organization... [eeeevil grin!] I'd re-join, finangle myself onto the Gov.Bod, and allow blood transfusions/college educations/holidays and birthdays/overtime at work/a more forgiving attitude towards questioners and dissenters - well, except for the fundie types/more freedom and forgiveness for those who succumb to temptation - especially teenagers/a much older mandatory baptism age - no one under 25 gets baptised, and those baptised have to be in full possession of their mental and emotional faculties... Oh, and pantsuits for the ladies...

    Would you support Zid as a pantsuit-wearing female member of the Gov.Bod, if I could accomplish those things?? {ha ha - yeah, when pigs fly...}


  • cedars

    Zid, I would definitely support you as a pantsuit wearing member of the governing body, so long as you remembered to take off the bird helmet. I can't see you maneuvering your way onto the body with a seemingly semi-avian anatomy. The Governing Body have some strange ideas, but they're not THAT weird. Besides, it would look strange on the group photos.

  • exwhyzee

    It's interesting that they fully expect any information about JW's coming from an outside source, to be unflattering.

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