
by Snowflake 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    That was one of the first books I read when I started looking for information. If you cant order online and have it shipped to your house for whatever reason, you can go to almost any bookstore. I went to B-Dalton at the mall and asked for a list of books avalible on J.W.s. I freaked when I saw how long the list was! Anyway, they can order it and you can pick it up from there when it comes in. You dont have to leave your phone #, just tell them you will stop in occasionaly to check on the arrival.

    Oh My God!!
    Im a little new to this forum and havent read too many of your comments. When I first read your comment I thought you were being sarcastic, as I am extremly sarcastic at times. After reading more, I noticed you might actually be serious. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please Stay and keep things interesting.
    P.S. I Love your self portrait.

  • Solace

    Did you say, "Jesus Christ" approved of going door to door?
    Dont you mean Michael? Or is it Jesus again?
    Wait, maybe its MiJesus or JeMichael.
    Gotta go, laughing too hard, my tummy hurts,,,te,he,he,he,he,he,he

  • nytelecom1
    Go door to door and sell our literature or you're doomed for eternity ?

    spare me the "selling the watchtower door to door" garbage...
    you know the motive behind our use of the Wathtower and no matter
    how many times you repeat it ..."selling the Watchtower" will
    never be true

  • Solace

    The motive behind selling the watchtower, has and always will be to recruit new watchtower servants.
    Nyt: By the way, do you have your hours in for the month? Being online doesnt count ya' know.

  • Celia

    Yes, but, that's the only thing that counts in your sect, isn't it ?
    You're viewed as spiritually weak if you don't spend enough time in the door to door service, and we all know that the d t d service only serves as a way to distribute the WT literature...
    and of course, the motive behind the d t d service and the placing of WT magazines is trying to get more people to do the same, so the WT can print more of their garbage and get richer and richer... at your expense Nytelcom and others like you...

  • nytelecom1
    You're viewed as spiritually weak if you don't spend enough time in the door to door service...the motive behind the d t d service and the placing of WT magazines is trying to get more people to do the same

    hmm now let me see ..The Messiah commanded us to make disciples..
    and I choose not to go....ummm.........what does that make me...ummm
    let me guess.........

    actually the door to door work serves two purposes.....converting
    is one.........remember what the other is???

    and get richer and richer...
    you must be kidding...answer me this...who is this Watchtower society
    and how is it getting richer?
  • Solace

    Messiah, Jesus, Michael,
    Im getting confused........

  • Celia

    Jesus commanded to make disciples... disciples of ? Jesus and His message... He did not say : go out and convert more and more people to obey blindly the Watch Tower Society of New York and Pennsylvania ?
    Or did I miss something ?

  • Celia

    And one more question :
    Why would someone who believes Satan is the leader of this world post this picture under his name ???

  • nytelecom1

    he also didnt say to use the should we not use that?

    Why would someone who believes Satan is the leader of this world post this picture under his name ???

    do you think satan has horns and is red??

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