
by Snowflake 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • picosito

    However, Court Jesters were FUNNY and livened things up. I think NYTellyKom is the piss on the fire and enjoys the stink.

  • Celia

    Henry P =

    When someone leaves the sect known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society because they have finally opened their mind and done some research on their own, they are amazed and overjoyed. This is to be expected because of God’s blessing.
    The person is now really alive and so happy, they try to get their families to see the
    and all the blessings they now reap prove to them that they did the right thing in
    leaving this deathly sect known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. So now they come to this
    board to help other misguided souls, and show them from the writings of the GB that they’ve been used and abused all those years.
    They are really searching to help as many people as they can to leave this lie behind, as they did.
    They know they are right about their exit.
    In the end, they are so thankful to the Holy Spirit and their own common sense that
    they finally realize that no religion is needed to appreciate God and worship Him.
    After all, the JW sect was right about one thing : Religion is a Snare and a Racket !
    Many will realize that what other Christian religions believe is much better than anything the JWs preach.
    They will do all they can to bring the mighty Printing Corporation down, because they
    now know all the filth and the horror behind the smiling faces.
    The scandals occurring every day in the Society will be publicized. The Dateline show
    will open the eyes of many, and the JWs won’t dare go door-to-door anymore.
    The viewer will see the JWs as they really are : brainwashed, misguided followers of a handful of power crazed old men in Brooklyn.
    And ex-JWs will be happy to have helped so many out of the grip of this lying bunch.
    In truth, the organization will die a slow death, because God has never approved of it.

  • Valis

    The best and cheapest way to get it is to look it up on I got my copy for $10.00 from a used book seller that sold through amazon.


    District Overbeer

  • Celia

    Here is the link to Commentary Press where you can order Crisis of conscience :

  • metatron

    When some one is df'd, they are just another victim of an
    arrogant unchristian leadership that ignores what the scriptures
    plainly say.

    Most JW's are not aware of the lies and corruption of the
    Watchtower Society - or prefer not to think about it. Actually,
    given the empty headed nature of the meetings, they really
    don't like thinking at all, I'd say.


  • HenryP
    When someone leaves the sect known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society because they have finally opened their mind and done some research on their own, they are amazed and overjoyed

    Have you read most of the posts on this forum? While some are overjoyed, the majority are not.

    So now they come to this
    board to help other misguided souls,
    Celia, dear, I don't think so. When reading most of the profiles of newbies that introduce themselves, this is hardly the reason they come to this forum. Instead they come to try to make sense of their leaving Jehovah's people. They are here to justify their decision that has created so much confusion in their lives.

    The Dateline show
    will open the eyes of many, and the JWs won’t dare go door-to-door anymore.
    Of couse this is just a dream. No one will stop JWs from going door-to-door, because this is approved by Jesus Christ. You can't battle against him.

    The viewer will see the JWs as they really are : brainwashed, misguided followers of a handful of power crazed old men in Brooklyn.
    No, only ex-JWs will be doing this. What is really expected from an ex-JW? It is common sense to know that they will use this reasoning to justify their leaving. JWs can say the same thing about ex-JWs saying that they are brainwashed. It's really a silly argument. Muslims say that the Americans are brainwashed, and you will of course argue that statement.
  • Gopher


    This website and other exJW places do not brainwash, they seek to help free individuals from the effects of brainwashing, or "mental-regulating" as the JW's so cleverly put it.

    There is no enforced orthodoxy here. People are free to choose their set of beliefs. So don't say there is brainwashing here, quit twisting the facts.

    You said that JW's going door-to-door is approved. OH yeah, I'm sure Jesus is thrilled when pedophiles and their supporters claim to represent him. And what evidence do you have of God's approval, what practical evidence -- in terms of results? Why are other churches (who don't go door to door but use informal conversations to spread their message) growing FASTER than the JW's are?

    THe majority of people here ARE happy, even if there was an initial period of confusion. Such a period is natural, because of the unnatural social and theological isolation the WT Society imposes on its members. You cannot do a quick U-turn after years or decades of suffering through all that baloney.

    So keep bringing your baloney to the board, you and NYTELECOM1. It helps remind us of when we couldn't think for ourselves, but blindly followed not Jesus, but a group of men in Brooklyn. I know you'll deny it, but it is true. Keep posting here until you're blue in the face. It will benefit the lurkers, I am sure.

    J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • nytelecom1

    example #1

    People are free to choose their set of beliefs
    unless your an Jehovahs Witness that least on this board.

    OH yeah, I'm sure Jesus is thrilled when pedophiles and their supporters claim to represent him
    quit twisting facts
    antis will often accuse others of doing something they always do themselves.

    Why are other churches (who don't go door to door but use informal conversations to spread their message) growing FASTER than the JW's are?
    when have Jehovahs Witnesses ever said they had a message that
    would appeal to all of mankind.
  • Celia

    Sorry Nytelcom, but....
    What is exactly the message of the Watchtower Society again ?
    Go door to door and sell our literature or you're doomed for eternity ?
    Sacrifice your children and yourself to the mighty WTCorporation ?
    Hmmm... i wonder why this kind of messages don't appeal to many people ???

  • HenryP
    they seek to help free individuals from the effects of brainwashing, or "mental-regulating"

    If you repeat it to yourself over and over again, you finally believe it.

    I'm sure Jesus is thrilled when pedophiles and their supporters claim to represent him
    No he is not, that's why he doesn't use Catholics.

    So keep bringing your baloney to the board
    By baloney you surely mean anything that disagrees with ex-JWs. Who is twisting words here? If one is a JW, then he must be brainwashed. Again, you must use this logic to excuse yourself and to make sense of your confusion.

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