The Most bizzare & Scariest thing happened to me last night

by dm6 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dm6

    Hello Everybody.

    I wanted to share something with you all about something that happened to me last night.

    I usually get these things called sleep paralysis, which is where you are alseep and you wake up and you think, oh ill get up now or soemthing, so you go to get up and you cant.

    Your actually paralysed. But the strange thign is your awake....? but still asleep..? its very very hard to explain. your conscious that your awake in your mind and your trying to think of a way to wake yourself up, and yet you cannot function any part of your body not even open your eyes, except your brain. I actually WILL myself to wake up but then you get these horrible sense of impending doom. its almost like an out of body experience.

    I have this quite often, to the point that its now become the norm and im used to it, so when it happens to me, im laying there thinking oh S**T, just bear with it until i wake up and snap out of it.

    But,.... this is not what happened to me last night.

    Last night, i woke up around 10pm (fell asleep around 7pm for a few hours kip since i got up at 4 am previously) had a drink etc, and went to go back to sleep.

    Now you know that point in your sleep just before you clock out, literally that millisecond before its lights out to the land of nod, i didnt fall asleep, but i became completely paralysed but i was wide awake and able to look around, see with my eyes my surroundings, but couldnt finction anything.

    It was absolutely horrifying, becasue not only this, during this was happening to me, i will try to describe as best as i can this feeling that came with it.

    The feeling was like - imagine the sound of a bass speaker going from mild to loud a building up of a drone sound from quiet to loud.

    The feeling was that sound, in my whole body i lay there and could feel this weird building up of this horrible feeling and quicker than a snap of your fingers it was gone and i was lookig around wondering when it was gonna stop, then realized i could move, and i lay upright scared out of my mind.

    Also, the last few days i have been telling myself i think i am becoming an athiest etc or even agnostic, because of a long long story i wont go into here.

    But during all this was happening to me i was saying to God in my mind to please please help me get out of this. And it did which was good. I dont know if that was an act of God, i am even sceptical right now, but it just suprised me that i did pray quickly as i have professed to myself that he almost doesnt exist (unsure) and yet that was the first thing i did.

    Anyway, God and religion aside, this was a very bizzare and worrisome experience i had, and i wonder if im in store for some horrible health problem in the future. Is this a sign which will lead to some paralysing disease of some sort?

    Aside from this very different experience i had, has anyone else ever had the first things i mentioned... sleep paralysis. It wasnt SP i had last night, it was much much different.

    Anyway, thanks for hearing me out, just wanted to vent this out, im 24 and as sad as it seems i really dont have any friends i can talk to, im new to NZ here and i have some weird social anxiety about meeting new people etc.

    I would tell my parents but they have way too much going on right now (little brother is about to go to jail and a drug addict)



  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Oh you poor thing! I've had it several times, beginning when I was a child.

    It is exactly to a T what you said it was like.

    I got increasing sound along with empending doom.

    My dreams would overlap my lucid state and terrify me.

    When I was a kid, I thought it was demunz and said Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah! over and over again.

    It goes away on its own.

    It is a sleep disorder and Gawd has nothing to do with it.

    I seldom get it anymore. Could be I outgrew it, but it lasted into my 30's.

    I'd talk to my doctor about it if it persists and has you wigged out too much.

    It's pretty harmless, just a disorder.

    My dad has it, too.

  • sinis

    Damn, you have a gift many would kill for. I too have had them, but few and far between. In reality this is a perfect time for you to control your dream and basically do whatever you want to do. I would not induce panic as this will make it far worse. If you don't like the feeling, you need to tell your brain your awake. You can do this by starting to breath faster, yet remain calm, which will take you out of this "limbo".

    If I were you I would use this to your full advantage and enjoy the "trip"... take care.

  • cptkirk

    yea sinis is right. i have this also. more than likely you have had this happening to you since you were young and just didnt understand it, i know i have. but sinis is right that you can control your dream at this point...a few weeks ago when this happened to me i used it to make myself levitate all around my room, pretty fun. you can't be disposed to panic though....i'll give you an example. a few years ago i was with a friend of mine and some of his family on a boat...we were just relaxing and drinking a bit i said to my friend i need to you know take a leak, so he said just jump in the water then. i got up climbed down the boat and jumped in. when my body was consumed by water panic hit me because the water was freezing, also the boat was already 50 feet in front of me by the time i was immersed. i let out some kind of sound like someone that just got into an ice cold shower thinking it was warm, a real deep loud breath. i heard my buddies sister start to laugh from the boat when she heard me, then she realized it might not be funny. something in my head went off and said DO NOT PANIC....all of the sudden my body relaxed and i sucked up the cold, the same way you might suck up pain, and began to tread water. they turned the boat around and came and got me. you have to have the same kind of reaction when this happens to you in your sleep. you have to take control. the wtbs is right about one thing, if you dont take control, someone else will.

    btw your screen name dm6 doesn't have anything to do with dm3,e1m2,dm2,e3m4 etc etc does it?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Who else will take control, Cptkirk, when it's just you having this experience?

  • sinis

    Astral projection - hell that can literally take you anywhere.

  • rebel8

    i didnt fall asleep, but i became completely paralysed but i was wide awake and able to look around

    Perhaps see a doctor. I know about sleep paralysis but you are saying this happened when you were awake. That doesn't sound good.

  • sinis

    Who else will take control, Cptkirk, when it's just you having this experience?

    Maybe we are not the only ones out there... astral projection has many facets. The boogey man does not exist per se, but I believe other entities, energys, etc. exist in harmony with us, and may want to experience life through a "flesh bag"...

  • sinis

    Perhaps he fell asleep but did not realize it? When I have had them it is if life goes on as normal, smells, feelings, touch, etc, except they always go down the road of weird and then I start to freak out...

  • cptkirk

    although i wasn't really going down that road, i agree there are energies etc. we dont understand. gets back to how truly puny our senses are. we have consciousness, sight, smell etc etc etc. but what do other entities have? it's all conjecture at the moment, but me saying if you dont take control, something else will...i could of just been alluding to various parts of the brain that deal with fear/paranoia and so on. that can take you over.

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