The Most bizzare & Scariest thing happened to me last night

by dm6 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sizemik

    dm6 . . . you have a PM.

    you will need to click the envelope (top right) twice to open

  • NewChapter

    Fifth, I can't tell you how many times I've lain there helpless and paralyzed as someone walked through my home. I even felt my body shift as they sat on my bed, but I couldn't turn over to see who it was. I eventually jerked out of that one, and nothing, absolutely nothing out of order.

    I've seen "beings", flames, my body has floated and rocked. It is easy to understand how someone that suffers with this may be convinced it is aliens or demons. I've floated quite far too---could be misinterpreted as an abduction . . .

    Anyway it's happened more often than I can count. When I've been able to pull out of it, I was always shocked that things were just fine. the inability to move or scream makes it so much worse. It was only 10 years ago that I learned what it was. For some reason I never made the jump to demons or aliens, but I could understand how one would.


  • Glander

    One of our daughters would go to sleep with hers eyes open. Took a while to realize she was asleep and not in a catatonic state. She out grew it by about three but now has found that when she takes Ambien she sometimes gets up and goes to the kitchen and eats. I think some people have a "split level" conscsousness.

  • pseudoxristos

    I've had Sleep paralysis for at least 20 years now. It happens so often that when I can finally move I usually just roll over and go back to sleep. I often vaguely remember that it happened by the next morning. I've sometimes had as many as 3 episodes in one night.

    I've noticed that it occurs most often while lying on my back especially in the middle of the night after rolling over to reposition during sleep. I think what actually happens is that I wake up just enough to roll over and after settling back to continue sleeping, I realize that I am awake. I then try to move and cannot. Usually panic sets in when I realize that my breathing is very shallow and I am not able to control it. It seems like an eternity, but usually I am able to move within about 10 or 15 seconds.

    I've had episodes where I could open my eyes and look around, but this rarely happens. Another thing that I've noticed is that I will not be able to make out conversations on TV if my wife happens to be watching something when I have an episode. Its like the sound starts out unintelligible and I slowly realize that it is conversation and begin to understand what is being said.


  • dm6

    hello everybody and thanks one again for all of your responses! its been much bigger than i actually thought.

    I feel i need to make something clear a bit here, as we are going off topic a little.

    Yes sleep paralysis is a common thing and happens to a lot of people, (especially me) and i also beileve it is heireditary. My mother gets it quite often too.

    it can be very scary, and yes to a certain extent it can also be controlled whilst you are experiencing it.

    As i said in my OP, i do have SP, but this is NOT SP. it is different, it was weird - much different. I was totally awake during this paralysis of my body and the first time ever i could actually open my eyes and look around and everything and see things etc (my room and bed etc) i was totally conscious just as you are reading this thread. but i couldnt move my body and was fully aware about my body being paralysed.

    Very very scary.

    Anyway, its great that we are all discussing this SP and everyones experiences from it. I guess its a life long thing people suffer with.

    i was just wondering if maybe....... just perhaps...... it could be soemthing for my future to do with some sort of illness im due to expect.

    Something like stephen hawkins.

  • Hortensia

    I used to have the problem, when I was a JW, haven't had it since. It was terrifying, being so paralyzed and unable to move, and terrified. Funny that it hasn't happened to me since I left the org...

  • Hortensia

    DM6, when was the last time you had a good physical exam at the doctor's office? Maybe it's time for a visit to the doctor, especially if you are concerned that you might develop some terrible condition in the future.

  • dm6

    i wont go into doctor records for a number of reasons, few health issues, got a 3rd op coming up. had a physical exam about 2 months ago for my visa to be in NZ :)

    But its pointless mentioning this SP because people who never had this never understand and think your dreaming !

  • fade_away

    In ancient times people started to believe in god and gods to cope with things they couldn't understand. The mind sometimes refuses to believe in mystery, so they invented God to deal with the unexplainable. Today, that's not necessary anymore. It's a disorder and it's not God punishing you. I have a sibling who became a hardcore JW cause of a similar experience. His problem was panic attacks. He got one so bad that he felt he was gonna die. Heart beat raised and he was short of breath, then in desperation he screamed out "Jehovah!" and suddenly it went away. He started to believe in God ever since. He also had a severe asthma attack and same thing happened. He called out for God and passed out in the ambulance, waking up in the hospital later.

    Disorders and near death experiences are not acts of God cause they happen even to the most holiest person you can think of. But anyway, you should definitely keep seeing a doctor. That sounds like a terrible experience to go through.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    I remember reading about this in Awake ( there are some interesting articles in it).

    From memory, you are actually dreaming, even though you are awake. The subconscious projects the dream into the conscious mind, and it seems that the dream is really happening.

    The paralysis is the brains natural reaction that prevents you from harming yourself, due to reacting to your dreams.

    I still have dreams about demons, and I wake up saying Jehovah, Jehovah under my breath. The effects of brainwashing.

    Are you having treatment for your condition?

    If you havent read the Awake article, I'm sure you could find it on their cd library thingy. Somewhere around the 1980's.

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