In lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet

by youngbro 50 Replies latest members adult

  • youngbro

    Nope! Its accpeting what is printed....and following the Body fully.

  • Billen76

    So why all the litterature? Doesn't doctrin come from the "Body"?

  • youngbro

    A storm is coming, that I know.

    (Also, it says I have made my ten posts for the day...)


    My sins were NONjudcial
    I was actually a goldenboy, as I said...answered two or three times each meeting, great service times, was always early, did everything they asked and more...I loved it tbh.

  • Billen76

    Bible, The NWT? (I disagree, but lets take theology another time) (I have become an atheist with an agnostic approach)

    Very well. It seems like you are having a similar problem to what I had.

    I was a MS, but I started to want to expand my horizont, started at High School and asked the elders to let me step down as MS.

    They did not accept my resignation, but instead it ignited two years of hell untill I was broken down. Then they let me go.

  • Scully

    I have no advice on how to deal with the Elders™. You've already confessed your "sins" to them. Personally, I would have kept that info between me and Jehovah, because ultimately he is the one who knows your heart condition, whether you truly regret your mistakes, etc.

    Those Elders™ are going to comb through your Field Service Reports™, examine your Meeting Attendance™, dissect all your comments at the Watchtower Study™ and your Talks™ on the Ministry School™ and snoop into your friendships with other JWs and people outside the Congregation™. They will look at how you performed your duties, how seriously you took your Privileges™ at the KH, or whether you have an attitude that comes across as a little too cavalier.

    I guess how you proceed depends on whether or not you are willing to live your life under their microscope. After confessing to some "non-judicial matters" on your part, it's going to take some time for them to allow you to earn their trust again, if ever that happens. The fact that it boiled down to "non-judicial" simply means that nobody else inside the congregation is aware of what happened. Keep your ear tuned for gossip, or a Local Needs Talk™, because those b@st@rds can't keep a secret to save their lives (unless it involves protecting child molesters in the Congregation™).

    You've already come to the realization that their "love" is ultimately a confabulation - one simply cannot depend on the JWs in a time of emotional turmoil or spiritual dilemma. Again, how you proceed depends on whether you are willing to live the rest of your life like that - knowing that your friendships are so shallow and unreliable, knowing that any real effort you put into cultivating friendships can be cut to ribbons at the say-so of three janitors and/or window washers in suits in the back room of a KH.

    The question is, now that you've had a glimpse of the ugly reality of the JW belief system, is it something you can compel yourself to un-see?

  • youngbro

    Alright, so...just got home from kingdumb hall..and...*Drum roll* they e l d e r s told me that I can w r i t e a lttr to da br a n ch. They told me orginailly I could...then they said I could I c a n. PM me with suggestions on how to keep my mshood...please!

    @Scully: What do you mean, their radar?

    ADD: Some of the Elduhs have lied to me flat out!

    Do I sound arrogant? The peeps at my hall would say I am boasting..

  • Scully

    Whatever you do, don't write to the Branch!!!!!!

    That'll put you on their radar for sure.

  • youngbro

    Scully, what do you mean? The email and name I use for this site are not anyone, its a fake name aha. Its my only chance to show up the bod of erders and so forth.

  • Scully

    No, I don't mean that at all.

    What I mean is that the Branch will communicate with the Body of Elders™ in your Congregation™, not to reprimand them or get them to restore your MS Privileges™, but more likely to advise them that you are acting in an unruly manner by going over their heads and not keeping order.

    IOW, if you do that, your chances of retaining your MS Privileges™ are FUBAR.

  • youngbro

    Even if I have evidence written by da brancch in da WT that proves tat the eders are (w)rong? I mean what is the worst that could happen? I am fumming either way.

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