How well do you sleep?

by Lozhasleft 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    Oh Loz sorry you've joined this miserable can't sleep club too.......

    I crash as soon as my head hits the pillow but............only for 3 or 4 hrs!

    I feel like a walking zombie right about now

    Could be low blood sugar I'm thinking.


  • Lozhasleft

    I'm going to talk to my dr about it ...I seem to be there all the time lately...I've had bronchitis and even touch of pneumonia in the past weeks and last visit my BP was high so goodness knows what that's about...

    Loz x

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When my meds are working I usually sleep very well. When they aren't working I don't sleep. This past winter and spring have been terrible. There were many times I didn't get to sleep until 6 or 7 in the morning and then I would be sleeping half the day. . It is beginning to settle down now thank goodness and I am on a more normal sleep pattern.

    Moving is often an adjustment for people. You need to get used to the sounds of your new place. Are there trees that scrap the house. Do neighbors come home late? Are there cats or dogs celebrating until the wee hours? Is there traffic nearby? Trucks can really rattle a place. A train? or worse airplanes? Does the wind make the house creak? Sometimes just getting familair with all those new sounds or maybe you are begining to live without them, takes a bit of time.

    I usually need a good couple of weeks to get familiar with the sounds. After that I am ok. My last move to where I am now was really weird. There is no noise here and I lived with planes over my head most of my life. The silence was deafening.

    New beds take time to break in. Gotta find the sweet spot.

    I used to very frequently wake up with a stiff neck. I now use water pillows and they are awesome. I think since I have been using them over the last 10 years I have had only 1 stiff neck. And I've tried all kinds of pillows. This one is adjustable. You put enough water in it to make it comfortable for you. If it is too hard or high - take some water out. Not enough support - add a bit more water.

  • Hortensia

    I hope you start sleeping soon. Maybe it's just the unfamiliar house, some anxiety and stress.

    I'm one of those folks who can't go to sleep at the right time. Awake all night and sleep half the day which is not a good way to live. I get my seven hours of sleep, just not at the right time of day.

  • Velour

    What is this...s...s...sleeeeeep you speak of?

  • sizemik

    When I developed an anxiety disorder about 8 years ago . . . insomnia came with it. I sleep when I can, 2-4 hrs at a time day or night. Nothing medical or otherwise seems to have any effect. But in all seriousness, the weed solution does help somewhat. It's also great if you suffer from migraines. Also sexually enhancing

  • RosePetal

    loz sorry you are having trouble sleeping, you can try essential oils such as chamomile and lavender, put a few drops on a cotton pad and put on your bed table at night, you can also burn the oils in a vapouriser, and breath the vapours during the evening before going to bed. Fill the top of the china bowl with water and add a few drops of the essential oils to the surface, the candle in the pot underneath heats the water releasing the vapours.

    My daughter and I were having terrible trouble sleeping laying awake for hours. The oils worked wonders, and completely zonked us out. It did not take long to get back to a pattern of sleep without having to use the oils anymore.

    HAPPY DREAMS RosePetalxx

  • TotallyADD

    Since I was a kid I have trouble sleeping. But now I sleep better. My solution was a sleep number bed and a very, very sweet labrabor. Suffering with PTSD I find if I wake up with a episode and my dog is sound alseep next to me nothing is really going on but my crazy nightmare. I soon fall asleep again. With ADD reading a book at the end of the day is like asking me to swim across the ocean. The brain is out of town by then. Falling asleep is not the problem its staying asleep that has always been the problem. Totally ADD

  • Thetis

    I've always been a chronic insomniac - waking up at about 3am. However, it got worse when we moved close to the sea - the sound of the crashing waves drove me crazy for a while - until I got used to the sound.

    These days, I alternate between natural tabs like Valerian, Biral, lavender spray for my pillow.....also find that autogenic training is quite effective - slowly letting my body get heavier and heavier.....if all else fails, I log on and read what you are all saying...chuckle..

    An alternative therapist once suggested Gaba and Melatonin but if you are on an anti-depressant, you also have to be careful of any interactions....often thought of weed, but would probably get arrested in my country...

    Hope you resolve this really does undermine your ability to cope....

  • sizemik

    I will add a thumbs up for valarian . . . a friend grows it and makes his own tincture. But I believe it's readily available. Works sometimes for me.

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