'BELIEVE IT OR LEAVE IT' - a long time faders dilemma.

by nicolaou 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Faders may have a hard time going forward. One of the talks at the convention mentioned a 'culling work' to come in the organization. It was said that this may involve rooting out some who have been 'in the truth' a long time and aren't doing enough and children of witnesses who have failed to make the truth their own. This tells me that one of two things is in the pipeline:

    1. They are going to go public with the fact that the figures on the slide and will use this as evidence that the culling is working.
    2. They are going to make it much harder to be on the periphery of the congregation.
  • nicolaou

    "One of the talks at the convention mentioned a 'culling work' to come in the organization. It was said that this may involve rooting out some who have been 'in the truth' a long time and aren't doing enough and children of witnesses who have failed to make the truth their own."

    Are you serious?! They actually used the phrase 'culling work'? Seriously MM, I'd have expected this to be all over the forum if it was a part of the convention program.

    Can you confirm you're not just yanking our chains . .

  • fade_away

    I stopped going to the meetings about a year ago. I'm gone but not completely free. I worry too much about what I post on facebook because of the drama that can go along with what I say. If I officially DA myself, my mother will become so depressed, it just might literally physically kill her. She is kind of old and a severe depression can hurt her really bad to the point of death possibly. For her sake, I try to keep the fact I'm gone a secret. She constantly asks me if I'm going to the meetings or what time my meetings are or when do I have my convention Assembly.

    I have to lie about all these things to keep her happy. Recently though, rumor has been spreading around that I've stopped attending the meetings and my mother started crying on the phone with me because of these rumors. I'm still tied to this cult even if though I'm out. It sounds horrible but when my parents die, I might be completely free. It's because of them I'm still tied up. I don't wish their death but it seems that will be the end of the drama.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Nic, I sent you a PM.

  • Honesty

    leavingwt says:

    NOTE: I do mean OVER. It's a bell that cannot be un-rung. They will shun you as the lowest form of life. Your closest friends and family will shun you and say hurtful things about you.

    So true.

    They act like little children, "You can't be my friend if you are her friend."

    You begin to feel sorry for them because they are so pathetic and immature.

  • clarity


    "Two of my sons remain on the inside along with their mother-nurtured hatred. Plus grandchildren I've never even met."

    So sorry, ....I'm afraid that's where I'm headed too!


  • clarity

    Nic, it is a crappy position to be in. The older you get the worse it gets, as time starts to run out and your options become limited.

    All the best ...

    Mickey mouse plse give more info on 'culling work' talk.


  • nicolaou

    Thank you MM. Now, if someone could point me to a recording of the Saturday morning sessions I'd be very grateful.

    Thanks . . .

  • LostGeneration

    Constantly minding what I have to say, constantly taking their precious consciences into account. I love them but this one way relationship makes ache.

    Its like JWs have stepped in a huge pile of bullshit and they walk around telling everyone how great it smells. When you mildly point out that they smell like shit, they get defensive and start claiming they are soooooo persecuted. I keep telling the few still in my life "No, you aren't, you just smell."

    I think its high time all of us start telling them they stink, damn the consequences.

  • Mickey mouse

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