2011 District Convention "Let Us Be Bored and Confused Into Obedience"

by ranmac 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    godrulz....I'm still up for that game of twister....unless you'd prefer to keep digging that pit deeper.....and deeper....

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    New Chapter......ha ha ha ha ha ha ....I can't believe you said that!!!!! Not really funny I suppose...but s**t that made me laugh....

  • NewChapter

    If I knew how to post pics, I would post pics of fat Pentecostals. I found an excellent one of a Pentecostal woman shoving food in her mouth.

    Just check out Jesus Camp on YouTube---Here, I'll include it below.

    Gluttony is a sin--even his retraction, which he refuses to call an apology, is a back handed insult.



  • godrulz

    Who says these kids were coerced? JWs are robots/slaves for a dead organization. Acts promises that even children will be full of the Spirit. Why can't kids be an army of passion and compassion crying out to God for the lost and sharing the gospel, including praying for the sick and seeing them healed? The adults are too rational and disobedient, so God has the rocks and kids cry out to show that the power is Him, not us. I am not condoning some problems/issues is this video, but am also not assuming that the Spirit vs Satan is not involved. The Pharisees also thought Jesus had a demon when He had the Holy Spirit (blasphemy of the Spirit, attributing works of Jesus to Satan). I remember years ago as the Holy Spirit came on me as I was sharing the truth of who Jesus is from the Bible with a JW. He sensed the presence, but thought it was a demon. I know demonic oppression from going to Kingdom Hall. I know the peace and power and presence of the Spirit from going to churches that exalt Christ as the Bible does. JWs are so rationalistic and fearful of everything that they cannot discern divine from demonic. Those who have left WT and have not found God are not in the position to be spiritually discerning. One needs the Holy Spirit/Word for that and one does not have Him apart from calling on Jesus as YHWH.

    This video is not brainwashing. Show us a boring KH meeting with kids and that will be exhibit A of mind-control, indoctrination, brainwashing. Sheesh, some people's kids.

  • NewChapter

    I believe the point of that post was to show fat Pentecostals. The brainwashing you subject your children to is handled in another thread.


  • EntirelyPossible

    It is news to me that Mary was 12 when she was pregnant. The Bible does not say this, so give me some concrete evidence.

    the bible does not say Jesus pooped. Did he? If he was a man, he must have. Give me some concrete evidence.

    As someone who has relatives that have been sexually abused, I have stood to have the legal age raised from 14 to 16 (completed, but still short of what is right).

    So your morals are better than God's? He didn't mind it one bit at all. why do you condemn what he did not? Do you think you know more than God?

    I remember years ago as the Holy Spirit came on me as I was sharing the truth of who Jesus is from the Bible with a JW.

    the Holy Spirit came on you? This might explain why you are so hot for sex with young girls...

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    if you caught me reading the kit at the assembly I would have told you off to the elders.

    JW's are people just like you and me, and a study in human nature will show you that these blind belieths is an on occurring pattern with humans, i hope the internet will change that. YHWH can be both divine and demonic, read the bible.

  • NewChapter

    Ranmac, you are really strong to be able to sit through that convention. I hated them so much, but always had to act so pleased. I hated how they paused to allow for applause. It was only the pauses that clued me in that I should be clapping. A sister brought a man she worked with and he left halfway through because he was uncomfortable with the robotic applauses. I think it creeped him out.

    They always acted like something new and astounding would be addressed. I would actually get hopeful that it would be the case. It never was. The comments at dinner afterward were also predictable. Isn't this the greatest convention ever? The end is so close. This is exactly the proper food at the proper time. Did you notice how they focused on immorality/apostacy/ministry---it must be a real problem right now. Every year I think this was the best convention ever, and every new convention is even better.

    I especially hated cleaning in heels and a dress when I was exhausted from a long day of tedium. I'm so grateful I don't have to do that anymore.


  • godrulz

    YHWH is divine, not demonic. Satan/demons are demonic. Learn to think jo.

    Newchapter. I have not sat through much of conventions, but your comments were exactly what I heard and observed/overheard after by a few. I did notice many yawns during Losch (GB)'s dead lecture. Is this the best they got?

    As much as I am against WT, I commend people of faith who sincerely want to please God (vs atheists who mock Him). This is why I am zealous to see these precious people not waste their lives on a false god/false religion/cult. They deserve better (and Jesus is the best). My heart cries out for your former people to God. Rescue the perishing (says the old Christian hymn), care for the dying, snatch them in pity from sin and the grave, weep o'er the erring one, lift up the fallen, tell them of Jesus the mighty to save, etc.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Some churches/leaders lack integrity, while others do not. What is your point?

    YHWH is Baal's older brother. Read a book once in a while.

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