Watchtower makes Multimillion-dollar reform in Patterson!

by ZionsWatchTower 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ZionsWatchTower

    Information brought by a Brazilian Dissident in this discussion (in portuguese) :

    The Watchtower is making a multimillion-dollar reform i n the Patterson farm , in their Educational Center . The total value of work: 229,32 millions Dollars! It is a worthy investment of a multinational, really.

    It is interesting that the works started in February 2010, but the Jehovah's Witnesses do not know anything about this work millionaire. The completion of the works is scheduled for 2014. All such information is present on the site of the City of Patterson, in four documents, whose links are available on the blog below:

  • ziddina

    Rats!! I don't read Portugese..

    Big bucks for the building but next to nothing for the slaves - er, "volunteers" - working on the buildings...

    Have they made these changes in order to reach more Third World - er, 'deserving' - people???

  • ZionsWatchTower

    Ziddina, the four documents available on the blog "torrentower" are in English.

  • ziddina

    Crud, I couldn't get the pdfs to load...

    I'll try again - perhaps I can access the Patterson building commission or Board of approvals thru a direct website...???

  • jwfacts

    You have to wonder with such a project if the GB really think Armageddon is imminent, or even coming at all.

    By 229,32 millions Dollars do you mean $229 Million? Where does that figure come from?

  • Bangalore
  • wobble

    $2,293,200.00 more like, I would guess.

    Still a huge sum to be spending for very little return, when the "end" is soooo close.

    Let's hope the "end" of the W.T is hastened by such poor use of cash resources.

  • Alfred

    By 1978 or so, it appears the WT figured out that Armageddon isn't coming at all... Since then, their entire focus has been on tightening control and building the business (rather than on the substance of their message).

  • the-illuminator81

    So much money.. is it spent on golden doorknobs?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You don't get much of a building for 2.2 million. I'm thinking it has to be 22.9 million. 229 seems too big and 2.2 seems too small.

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