I think an undercover apostate was sitting near me at the meeting this afternoon

by hoser 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    This brother was sitting near me today at the hall and when the public speaker started talking about the signs of the last days this guy started whispering something to his wife and kind of mocking the speaker in a quiet voice. His wife looked really pissed off.

    I've suspected this guy before by some of the stuff he's said and done and some of the #3 talks hes given he's gone off the assigned topic quite a bit.

    during the WT study I was doing mics and I happened to walk by him several times. His WT was on the floor and his bible was opened to topic for conversation at the end of the bible at the last days part.

    a little while later his wife gave him the look and said something to him and he picked up his unprepared WT and followed along.


  • talesin

    Perhaps he will read this topic, and realize it's him! You may end up having an ally in your KH.

    That would be coooool, huh?


    * careful to NEVER type 'eh' at the end of her sentences, and perpetuate the fallacious stereotype * klass

  • jwfacts

    That sounds like what I used to do as I was coming to realise it was all BS***. I don't know how you could approach him without giving yourself away, but it would be good if you could find out if he was. I have an undercover JW friend that was speaking to a JW at a party and they worked out that neither believed.

    Just tread carefully. Even if he is feeling against it at the moment, it could always backfire if he has a bout of cognitive dissonance and jumps back into it.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Interesting. I found that when I started to question "the Truth", I eventually started making lttle snide remarks about things that speakers said as well.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Egg and I did it all the time toward the end.

    Finally, we got so disgusted with it all that we grabbed up our stuff and left in a huff.

    Felt good!

  • ambersun
    His wife looked really pissed off.
    Just tread carefully. Even if he is feeling against it at the moment, it could always backfire if he has a bout of cognitive dissonance and jumps back into it.

    I agree with the other posts, you must tread very carefully or you could end up with egg on your face. How well do you know the pissed off wife? Maybe, if you get the chance to chat to her after the meetings, you could do a bit of undercover detective work. She might say something that could give you a better idea of what is going on here, without putting yourself in a vulnerable position.

  • Alfred

    @fwfacts... Sounds like some of the things I did in my last few meetings also... @hoser... You should get this guy's number before you or he moves away... Might be a good source of moral support whenever you decide to exit... Just saying...

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Next time, sit in front of him and shake your head and whisper to your wife every time they say something loony.

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    It could be that he is informed and intelligent.

  • Sapphy

    As soon as someone is making sarcastic or funny coments during a talk, they are on their way to being of the concious class.

    I started doing that myself way before I realised how deep my doubts were. Even as a good little dub when a speaker would say something stupid or outright wrong, I'd make a joke about it to whoever was sitting next to me.

    Then, when I realised that virtually every talk had something stupid, it ceased being funny and became irritating, frustrating and annoying - and voila, I'm on JWD planning my escape.

    You can also tell concious class potential by people looking bored (not 100% reliable), people frowning or looking puzzled (when they're already baptised), people getting carried away reading the Bible while the speaker is talking about something else, and people having to get up during the meeting for frequent bathroom breaks.

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