I think an undercover apostate was sitting near me at the meeting this afternoon

by hoser 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • RagingBull

    Sounds like a guy at my hall. I haven't seen him give a talk on the school in more than a year. He wears a goatee, rarely attends meetings, but his wife and kids still attend. I couple of times he's come and at the end of the meeting I've seen one and 2 (different meetings) elders speaking to him off to the side or in the back room. He always looks like he'd rather be elsewhere. When the C.O. visited recently, he appeared to be upset. I wonder if the C.O. cracked down on the BOE and we'll soon hear his name read off at a service meeting soon.

    An in-law of mine worked with his wife in FS and the wife said that he was "waiting on Jehovah" on some things and thought he would just get along with using his "bible only". So I KNOW, he doesn't believe the BS, but...I wondered "If she's telling other people this, why hasn't his name been announced yet?" Seems like the Elders are being very, very patient with this man.

  • Honesty

    I never vocalised what I was really thinking during the meeting for years.

    I think what finally did it for me was when the CO said that he talked with a Baptsist preacher and the preacher told the CO that he knew JW's have 'the truth' but he would lose his flock and his salary if he ever acknowledged it from the puplit.

    I turned to my ex and said, "What a load of bullsh*t."

    She was mad at me for a whole week for doubting the CO.

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    i just realized that all those descriptions of looking bored, getting carried away on bible reading tangents, whispering critical comments, etc...... ARE 100% ME! :p

  • willyloman

    Back in the day, we had a MS in our congo who with a similar attitude and it was beginning to show. During a talk in the school one night, he used a couple of expressions that sounded "churchy" (as in, mainstream Christian church) and interpreted a scripture in a way that didn't sound mother-approved. Shortly after that, he just walked away.

  • Giordano

    It's one thing when your still basically a believer in god, read the bible etc. But it is another thing when it's all BS to you. Then it's like a Vampire getting splashed with Holy Water LOL. You just go cold all over, grind your teeth get up and walk to the rear, refuse to be present for the prayer. When I hit that level of discomfort it was time to remove myself it was impossible to go to the KH or read the literature.

  • Rocky_Girl

    I heard that "testimony" before, too. Though, our's used a Catholic priest instead. Probably regional...

  • simon17

    Its pretty easy in conversation to figure out what someone believes or might not believe.

    If they don't they kind of give the subtlest of hints that things aren't rock solid but its clear. Then you can respond with something slightly doubtful/inquistive/questioning. Its hard to explain but anyone with good social skills should be able to figure out a way to get to a mutually shared belief (or disbelief)

    Its kind of like being back in high school when you and a girl are trying to figure out if you like one another. After you each give a few awkward steps at admitting your feelings, it becomes pretty obvious pretty quickly.

  • sizemik

    @RagingBull . . .

    Sounds like a guy at my hall.

    Your account reminds us of the price . . . another family going through the WT mincing machine.

    Gut's me every time I hear it.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    If he is you will love having someone so close to talk to....that is if you get along....

  • unshackled

    When the moment is right, casually drop a Beth Sarim reference....then watch his reaction. I bet 99% of the Dubs would not recognize those words, you'd just get a "huh?"

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