Mentally Ill Mother Wants to Pioneer...

by I<3MYGod 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • I<3MYGod

    I'm not even sure where or how to begin this. My mother is extremely mentally ill. She has stopped taking her medication, she has stopped eating, she has stopped drinking. She has lost over 100lbs in a few months and looks like death. She just spent 3wks in a mental hospital, to no avail. She has manipulated and treating her whole family like shit and since we now are no longer taking her shit, she is out for blood. She is cursing us and telling us to come back to the jay dubs and go out in service and turn in our time, and until we do that we will be miserable. She fails to see that we are HAPPY and that she is the one making us miserable.

    For clarification sake -

    sister A - oldest

    sister B - me

    sister C - pregnant

    sister D - homeless/jobless

    She has now decided that D (she is 19) is the cause of all her misery and problems. My mother quickly kicked her out of the house. Sis A went and got D with a bag of clothes. Sis A can't afford another mouth to feed, they are having some desperate financial strain. I honestly can't afford to take her in either. We only have 1 vehicle and it seats 5, so it's full with just us. D is looking for a job, but has no money, no car...nothing and my parents haven't offered a cent to A to help pay for D.

    My mother says that she will only do what her God Jehovah has told her to her God has told her to kill herself, her god told her that her dad forced oral sex upon her, her God told her to treat her family like shit, her God told her to kick her 19yr old daughter out and not give a damn about her....and her God is now telling her to be a pioneer and to go and bring in the sheep. I am disgusted and pissed off.

    I haven't talked to my mother in quite a while, I told her that she is out of my life until she gets some help and she follows through with what she is supposed to do. My mother is bipolar with schizophrenic tendencies. My whole life she has been ill. She was too depressed that she couldn't get out of bed, so as young as 5 I remember having to get my own food, do my own laundry, clean the house, do the dishes, mow the lawn. My dad did nothing but run the house with an iron fist, the whole time being good jay dubs, of course. My mother wouldn't get out of bed, so there were many days that she wouldn't drive us to school, we would have to walk. Then she would lie to us and tell us to start walking and that she would meet us on the way home...we would get home and she would just be sitting on the couch watching TV.

    She chooses to continue to live this way and use it as an excuse to treat people like shit. As long as she is "sick" she can use it as a crutch to not have to face her reality...I hope it's worth it to her. She has lost all her children and her grandchildren....I am done with her and her "God".

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Does the congregation know that she's ill? Surely the elders won't approve her pioneer application.

  • cantleave

    As BP said, the elders will review the application and probably reject it - she doesn't afterall fit the "ideal" piosneer paradigm.

  • I<3MYGod

    They know that she isn't stable, but I don't know if they know the extremes of what is going on. I had a conference with 3 sisters (A, B and C) last night and I said that someone needs to contact the hall and the elders that she goes to and to let them know what she is doing. Sis A is supposed to do that sometime today, I don't know how well they would take the info from a disfellowshipped one. Sis A is inactive and has faded away.

    Mom has told me how there are sisters that know that she was in the mental hospital and they are talking about her because of it...My mother is the hugest gossip that breathes. She will talk bad about everyone to anyone that would listen and then turn around and talk bad about the person that she just saw and talked with. I am disfellowshipped (thank goodness) she will talk bad about sister so and so or brother such and such to me.

    About a month ago she had a melt down and said that she was leaving my dad and she already had another man lined up in another state that she was going to flee to and he was going to take care of her. - I made sure to let sis A know about that, so that it can be brought up with the elders.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I saw a Hoarders repeat last night. The woman was old and very ill. She had no bed, no running water, no heat, , maggot infested food. She attended mass every single day. The professionals treating her got in touch with her priest. His face when he visited the house revealed much. He had no idea. When I was very ill with physical pain, the strain showed on me in every aspect. My mom, behind my back, took my law school graduation photo whih I loved and showed it to the doctors so they could see the ravages of the pain and what the true me was like.

    They thanked her so much. Maybe they don't know her chronic hospitalization story. It makes sense to enlist the elders for support. During my illness, I saw over and over again,, how a person gets locked battling family members. An outsider making the same recommendation is listneed to with respect. If she is not medication complaint, can't she being committed involuntarily? She seems to be danger to herself and ours. Some family members concoct stories to get family help.

    I've know people in agony about their schizoprehnic family members. It usually triggers in adolescent weh a normal personality has already developed. The commitment rules favor freedom. Freedom is good until your family member is utterly degraded. Yoiu did not mention how functional she might appear to others.

    The ilness causes her lack of insight. Very tragic. I'd make certain that I had support. I'm sorry for the heartbreak.

  • I<3MYGod

    I told sis A to share with the elders the voicemail that mom had left on her mother was cussing her up one side and down the other...telling her what an awful daughter she is and what a spitful bitch she is went on and on. My sister deleted it before I brought up the subject of letting the elders hear it.

    I mean I want nothing to do with jay dubs, but having my mother out in service trying to bring people to their religion - frankly frightens me. Who knows what in the world my mother is saying to innocent people behind a door. She is so manic that she can't hold a 3 min conherent conversation.

  • mrsjones5

    Tell your 19 year old sister to go to human services and see if she can get on WIC, SNAP, and TANF. She should qualify for something and it would help your oldest sister offset the cost of her being in the house. And after that baby gets here she can get on Welfare to Work which will help with schooling or training for work. Time for baby sis to buck up and be an adult, baby's on the way.

  • I<3MYGod

    Pregnent sis (C) is married and lives about 5 hrs away. So she is pretty much out of the picture so to speak...she is about to have her 2nd child and doesn't need the strain of all this crap on her. (Sorry if the post was brain is running at a million miles a minute)

    But applying for food stamps/tanf/etc would be a good idea and would hopefully help them out, a bit.

  • mrsjones5

    It can't hurt. How old is the first child? If the child is under 5 years they would also qualify for WIC.

  • Honesty

    It might not be a bad idea for your mother to pioneer.

    She might forget about a lot of her problems and she would have some company.

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