"Offer for July" - what should i do???

by Lied2NoMore 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    My suggestion on any assigned part... make it BORING and short. I always tended to make my parts too interesting, which was a complete waste of my time and talent.

  • james_woods

    What Billy said is indeed the most practical thing to do.

    Not much fun, though - but then these parts aren't supposed to be any fun.

  • agent zero
    agent zero
    went to KH this PM to check brochure stock to see if there had been a revised release. almost grabbed entire stack and threw them in trash

    if i had access to that i'd make a stamp that simply says jwfacts.com and stamp the back page of every WT and awake.

    what most got me in this brochure is on the page where it approximately says (sorry i dont have it with me right now) something about the real conflict isn't between science and the bible, but between science and false religious traditions or teachings, and point the finger to christian fundementalists. then it says, but let's see what the Bible says about creation (instead of: now let's see what jehovah's witnesses believe about creation)

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    i'd also like to see a link or something supporting the retraction of the statement about the spiderweb

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    2011 Yearbook Pages 9-13 has a section "Tracing all things with accuracy".

    On page 10 they raise the spiders silk illustration and on page 11 conclude "Many hours of research and meticulous calculations eventually confirmed the accuracy of this astounding piece of information".

    There then follows a section on Gandhi and a quote by Lord Irwin about the sermon on the mount. Of this they conclude "... there is no evidence that Irwin ever visited Gandhi at his ashram, raising unanswered questions ...... Hence our publications do not use that particular quote any more".

    Another quote about Newton follows and that has been dropped from JW publications.

    Just a pity they don't check on the important matters.


  • Lied2NoMore

    i have to research it for sure but it may have been one of those "read and destroy" letters. our cobe is close with me so im gonna casually ask for the reference material which addresses it. stay tuned.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Step up to the podium, open the 'Life Created?" brochure to page 18 and read:

    "Evolution is as much a fact as the heat of the sun."

    Close the brochure and step down off the stage.

    You'll never have to give a Service Meeting part ever again!

  • snakeface

    Do the part, display the brochure, have a demonstration to show how the brochure would be presented to an Airline Transport Pilot (who of course did not know the Bible says a spiderweb can stop his jet; his preacher selfishly withheld that from him) accepts it, gives a modest donation, accepts a free home Bible study - or perhaps an engineer who designs jumbo jets - then say:

    At Armageddon Jesus will throw a big spiderweb over Satan and all the governments and churches. (like Spiderman. "Evidently" Spiderman foreshadowed the Greater Spiderman, Jesus, in his post-resurrection heavenly glory, and by extension it refers to the elders.) If a literal spiderweb can stop a 400,000 pound, 300+ seat, Boeing 777 cruising at over 560 mph, think of how abruptly this entire wicked system, piloted by Satan and his crew, will be brought to a halt in mid-air, only to fall, crash and burn, killing everyone on board and everyone on the surface of the ground where the plane crashes - which of course will be outside of the "interior rooms".

    Then talk about the prophecy of Little Miss Muffet, how she was too busy sitting on her tuffet eating her curds and whey when she should have been out in field service, and notice what happened to her: "along came a spider who sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away." Yes, away, far far away, right out of the truth and right smack dab into Satan's wicked world! Now she won't get to live forever in paradise. She will become as manure on the surface of the ground....but not until after her eyes rot in their very sockets and her tongue cleaves to her palate, and the birds of prey eat up her fleshy parts. Her parents did the best they could. But she wouldn't listen to the elders. Now she is dead.

    So, friends, be sure to pick up your supply of these life-saving brochures after the conclusion of tonight's meeting and make definite arrangements to work with someone this Saturday morning. Let us become like those little spiders and crawl about the territory spreading our message that is both irenic and polemic and thus keep ourselves free from bloodguilt while there is still a little bit of time left.

    Like it?

  • snakeface

    Also, you could include a skit about a family, where the teenage son wakes up one morning to discover spiderwebs have grown on his hand. The parents ask him, "Have you relapsed into masturbation again?" They quickly call Brother Elder, who gather a commitee and comes right over to offer Bible-based counsel, which of course the youth accepts. Then next scene shows him with a clean hand, out in service, holding out tracts to householders.......

  • ziddina
    "...actually i am appalled and dismayed that they are asking 7 million to distribute something which has at least one flawed "fact" they have had plenty of time to retract this as the "offer for july" but didnt..."

    You've got to be kidding me...

    This is a GOLDEN opportunity!!

    Keep a straight face, play the game by THEIR rules, and send the poor, unsuspecting JWs out into the field with the terribly idiotic "logic" in the brochure...

    What will generally happen, will fall between two extremes - well, excluding all those "Not-at-homes"...

    Either the brochure will land in the hands of someone who is ignorant of the science which would quickly disprove the brochure, and that person will become 'interested'... And this may be a person that the world will be MUCH better off without, if they are OFF of the streets...


    Or the brochure will land in the hands of someone with a decent education, and they will either (a) proceed to take the JW at the door apart - and quite possibly plant seeds of doubt in the JW's mind - which would be a GOOD thing...

    Or they will (b) take the brochure silently and then proceed to blog/YouTube/Facebook/twitter/Tweet about the absolute idiocy of the Watchtower Society, thereby warning a significant number of young people AWAY from the Jehovah's Witnesses...

    The mistakes in the brochure sound like a GOOD THING, to me....

    But then, I'm jes' an evil little She-Devil...

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