What do People Mean Exactly By "Spirit" and "Spiritual"

by cofty 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cofty

    Watersprout - thanks for your comments. I totally agree with you that inner peace and tranquillity is of great value and that is often to be found by focussing on things other than material possessions and immediate concerns. I'm not sure why we ought to bring the supernatural into it though. When you say we are "spiritual beings trapped in a physical body" that is the bit I'm interested in. What do you mean by a spiritual being? What properties does this spirit stuff have?

    I'm just about to have tea and buscuits as well by the way, I agree with you about the importance of tea and biscuits. For a truly "spiritual experience could I suggest a cup of tea with a bread roll filled with square (Lorne) sausage covered in brown sauce? Nirvana!

    Mindseye - It would be a mistake to think that people who value science and reason don't get as much pleasure from art and culture. Of course there are many things that are not within the realm of sciecnce, but why do people imagine that its ok to make scientific statements about "spirits" and such like and pretend as if these should not be held up to scrutiny by science?

    Your equation of spirit with life is interesting. As long as we don't think about it as if it was some external animating force or as something that goes on beyond physical death.

  • tec

    Well, I can think of all of these things that make up a person being held together without a physical body. Like an energy, I guess. Or something more that I don't know about. I am limited by my own ekperiences, but I can still easily see this as being real. Can you really not imagine some way in which this could be possible?

    I don't see a spirit as having the same laws as a physical being - so weight, size, speed, etc... all would work according to different laws than physical ones, imo. For whatever my opinion is worth, limited as it is, lol.

    What did you used to think a spirit was when you were a believer? You must have had some ideas of your own.



  • watersprout

    Cofty I am coming back to answer your questions.. Just got to pick babysprout up from school then run some errands...


  • watersprout
    Watersprout - thanks for your comments.

    You are most welcome...

    When you say we are "spiritual beings trapped in a physical body" that is the bit I'm interested in. What do you mean by a spiritual being?

    I mean that we are not from this world... That when Adam sinned and was unrepentant he was given a skin covering of ''flesh''... Now our ''spirit'' is trapped inside this fleshly vessel until we die and either go under the Altar or to the land of the dead to await the second ressurection... Of which we will be restored to what we should have been before Adam and Eve sinned... As to what we would have looked like/going to look like I have no idea...I have many friends who do not share my beliefs but still believe that we are ''spirit beings'' inside a fleshly vessel.

    What properties does this spirit stuff have?

    I'm not to sure what you mean by this question... I am very ''blonde'' so I get confused very easily! Lol

    I'm just about to have tea and buscuits as well by the way, I agree with you about the importance of tea and biscuits. For a truly "spiritual experience could I suggest a cup of tea with a bread roll filled with square (Lorne) sausage covered in brown sauce? Nirvana!

    That does sound delicious! I would have a veggie sausage instead though.... Oooohhh I want one now! Brown sauce always reminds me of my dad... He had it over everything! Lol


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