What was your volunteer job(s) at DCs?

by mummatron 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mummatron

    Seeing as it's that time of year I've been reminiscing. I used to volunteer as I really struggled to sit still all day, even with all the note-taking and sitting next to the deaf loop system and watching the BSL interpreter to try and learn a bit of BSL.

    I have...

    • counted and voided food tokens
    • packed fruit bags at a sandwich stall
    • cleaned the stadium at opening and closing
    • cleaned and attended ladies toilets
    • manned (or should that be womanned?! lol) contribution boxes

    What did you do?

  • NewChapter

    I never volunteered for extras---I just cleaned the section we were assigned. I freaking hated it. I would be tired, dressed in a skirt and heals, there was nowhere to safely place my purse so I had to hang on to it while I swept. Then I had to deal with the kids that used the brooms like race cars speeding past me on the stairs (remember heels) or crushing me against seats in the aisles. But we were expected to do it with a smile on our faces, not mentioning throbbing feet, and voicing our gratitude for the privilege. Did I mention I f*cking hated it? I did anything to get out of it.


  • EmptyInside

    I made sandwiches when they still served food.

    And,I was volunteered to clean the ladies bathroom. An elder put me on the cleaning list without even asking me. I couldn't believe it. But,I obediently showed up and cleaned. It was a good excuse not to have to sit all afternoon in my seat and listen to the program.

  • clarity

    Dished up breakfast and dinners when we had the tin trays cafeteria style.

    Kind of fun.

    Food preparation ...god help you if it wasn't done right. Washroom duties, hated it.

    Cleaned stadium pre convention yuk yuk yuk.


  • Diest

    I didnt. But I miss the roast beaf sandwiches and fruit bags of my childhood.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Security, parking, food, cleaning, attendant, sound, stage, coats (at another language DC) - I think I did it all except for PR and the other offices where you can sit down the whole time.

  • Iamallcool

    cleaning, serving cokes and other soft drinks(from coke fountain) when I was a kid. They point which one they want, then I serve them)(I am deaf) evaluating sign language interpreters before they are on the program, I put chairs on the floor and chairs off the floor, I think that is it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I almost always was some kind of attendant. The job is so easy. You get to get up during the sessions to seat people and count people and go out in the foyer to shoot the breeze with other attendants when everyone should be inside paying attention to the talks.

    One year, I was in charge of the payphone banks at a rented stadium. WTS was worried that those evil apostates would call 911 with fake emergencies to spoil the DC, so I would ask everyone if I could see the number they were dialing, explaining briefly about the problem.

    I thought it was stupid as the person could dial a fake number for me, then hang up and dial 911 when I walked away. Plus, cell phones were on the rise.

  • NewChapter

    WOW, you had to peek at numbers? Did that make you uncomfortable? And so what if someone did dial 911? What could you do about it. LOL They really are control freaks.


  • recovering

    I was assigned security when I was a young man. later I was assigned to first aid.

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