DC Sunday Drama

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5

    What do you need to retract?

  • JWJunky

    That according to them I am a teen and have a social life that at some point requires lying and why the hell are these grown men questioning my parents they have nothing to do with my education or anything else.

  • redsoxfan1393

    I was trying not to bust out laughing during the "modern" music! HAHA

  • nugget

    So there is no possibility that the jw had access to a box to record TV programs which is available in most homes nowadays. Alibi useless.

    In real life the boy would have been condemned because that is the way it works in real JW land.

    Out of touch and totally on another planet thank goodness I get to watch wimbledon rather than getting hot and bothered listening the rubbish they produce. At one time dramas were a big event now they have become irrelevent.

  • wannaexit

    everyone was crying and saying what a wonderful gift from Jehovah.

  • sd-7

    So, the real story, which came out later, was that this JW kid TiVo'ed 'Vein Love', the latest vampire craze, while rounding the bases on a worldly girl. The JW elders DF'd the guy and offered no apology to the horny teen girl or her parents for demanding that she retract her Internet post. Her actual response to the elders' request was, "Tell your boy there to retract something, something I worked on Sunday night, long and hard, oh yes!!" Elders: "So did he stay overnight? Did anyone see you go in the house together? Did he seem to enjoy it? Was protection used? Did he speak to you about plans to do it again in the future?" The girl says, "Yes, yes, YES!! To everything you said, YES!!!" Parents of teenage girl, "Get the f*** out of here you f***ing perverts!!!" [Shotgun cocking] "Dis heah be a doubah barrel! And it be pointin' at dem dere heads o' yours! You'd be wise to back on outta here!" Filled with the indignation of Jehovah, one elder, running out to his car, shouts, "Fill your hand, you son of a b****!!" And then there's a spectacular 'True Grit' style showdown, one elder against worldly parents. Naturally the elder gets winged and manages to spear the teenage girl through her various parts and what not. And...we're done with this bizarre, is-sd-7-drunk-for-the-first-time rant.

    Anyway, classic drama. So, Billy, did the worldly girl wear spaghetti straps, or just [gasp] PANTS?


  • EmptyInside

    SD-7-I like your version of the drama better,lol.

  • LongHairGal


    I certainly do not miss the tiring district conventions. What a waste of a weekend and you go back to work tired instead of rested.

    With what you mentioned about the part in the ridiculous drama where the elders approach the "slutty" girl's parents, etc. I hate to say it but people are very protective of their children.

    Some elder (who probably doesn't have any kids of his own) who goes up to some strange girl's parents to complain about their daughter might be in danger from an angry father! There could possibly be other serious repercussions.

    This religion has got to be kidding.

  • sd-7

    I think, given that there are so many TRUE stories of a JW having sex with a worldly girl, it seems kind of meaningless to go through the trouble of trying to get a retraction. It also seems extremely arrogant for elders to approach people who are outside of their imaginary authority and make any requests at all. They'd be treading on VERY dangerous territory to attempt that in the real world.

    But again I ask, was the girl wearing a dress with spaghetti straps that came down just below the knee (ooh, ankle!)...or pants? And was she probably 25, and a single pioneer?


  • EntirelyPossible

    SD-7, good luck, my friend, if you are drunk for the first time. I am also drunk for the first time.....today.

    Wait, I woke up drunk. Ooops.

    So, what time is this thing sunday? I may have to check it and the afternoon talk out to see what BS they are spewing at my kids.

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