DC Sunday Drama

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hopscotch

    I remember that during the last few district conventions I attended before we faded I would sit cringing in embarrassment during the dramas wondering what all the 'worldly' attendants would be thinking of it. And at that stage I still fully believed JWs had the truth!.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Billy - Yes! These are the 'visitors' who are hoping to 'qualify'(according to the Ten Toes Tract) for everlasting friggin' life!

    Actually, to be perfectly honest....
    Our DC had a major, well, what I will call an 'upstate NY contingent' (please, no offense upstate NYers!). The 'visitors' for the public talk looked like they were related to Larry's brothers Darryl on the Newhart show.


  • fade_away

    Every drama that I've ever seen in the assemblies has always felt so corny and cliche, it's always given me goosebumps. The voice acting is always terrible and the physical acting on stage is over done every time. The music is horrible especially when they try to immitate modern music. That reminds me...here's a Christian rap video talking about how hugging a person can lead to sex. Instead give them a "Christian side hug". LOL!


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    they think they are so creative? As a kid I had all the drama tapes. I sware the first three I had memorized. the Moses dramas...

    I was not embarrassed but probably only because I always had to drive far away so knew I would not know any "visitors"

  • fade_away

    Oh god, that video I posted gives me as many goosebumps as the DC dramas always did. *shutters* Christian rap. Also known as C "rap" (or Crap)

  • CaptainSchmideo
  • MrFreeze

    Sounds horrible.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    The elders confronted the [worldly] slutty girls parents who made their daughter post a retraction that she didn't have sex with him.

    That will be treated as a licence by many an idiot elder to confront non-Witness parents for actions of their non-Witness child -- toward a child not their own -- to change some internet posting. Nice. This should lead to more stupidity than we already see!

    Marvin Shilmer

  • hoser

    The whole drama sounds quite bizzarre.


  • JWJunky

    I wish someone would ask me to retract something

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