What DO I think about Glenn Beck?

by AK - Jeff 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think of myself as 'Moderate Libertarian' if I must attach a lapel card. And I'm not sure that is entirely the correct one.

    I endorse fiscal conservative thinking, believe in limited government, and a strong domestic defense policy. In these areas, I could find myself in agreement with the talk show host. In other areas, my views of gay marriage, God, and faith, I would find myself at complete opposite ends of the continuum with Beck.

    Still, even when he is speaking of things I can agree with, I find the man disgusting. I think he is a charlatan, milking his listening audience of their funds and dignity. I find absolutely no reason for instance, that this guy should be planning 'Stand for Courage' demonstration in Israel this summer.

    I think he is a circus clown with his constant 'event' mentality. Like he believes himself some sort of modern day Savior to the world. On the other hand, if I listened to the guy earnestly, I might find I agree? What am I missing with this guy? And why does he dredge up a desire to kick him in the hinder-parts every time I see him?

    I mean honestly. Please don't turn this into a 'Let's kick Glenn Beck's ass' thread. I am seriously wondering why I feel so conflicted about this guy. Thoughts?


  • talesin

    ummmm.... NUTBAR



  • ssn587

    agree with most of what he says, he definitely has done his homework

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    I listen too him almost everyday on the radio, along with Hannity. The direction he has taken in the last few months makes me uncomfortable. Perhaps it it too much like the "Sky is Falling" bullshit I listened to in the Witch Tower Kult for 30+ years.

    The man is brilliant, of that I have no doubt. Is he a charlatan? I don't know, charlatans do not have the conviction he has. Charlatans usually KNOW that they are charlatans.

    The ex kultmember in me wants to classify him as just another, but very interesting. end timer. The other, geopolitically aware, side of me knows that he just-might-be-right.

  • TotallyADD

    Everytime I have ever listen to Glenn Beck I felt like I was listening to a talk at the KH. His reasoning is full of cult mind control language. I always get a sick feeling hearing about him. I also wonder what is his agenda is behind some of his nonsense? I know its money but what else? I know alot of people who really like what he has to say. To me he could become a very dangerous man if he got any power. Totally ADD

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    The only time I ever listened to him was from another room while I was visiting my parents and there was no escape.

    He sounded like and absolute lunatic and my parents were just eatin it up.

  • Violia

    I like Glen Beck . I watch him most days and take what I need and leave the rest. Both my hubby and I tend to have our hair stand on end when anyone starts preaching "end times" at us. However, a lot of what he says is intelligent and well researched. I have enjoyed very much learning more about our constitution and the founding fathers. Beck is not dangerous that I can see. He is not like Jim Jones telling us all the drink the koolaide.

    I am not worried about drinking koolaide - hubby and I won't get fooled again. I sort of see him more of a Paul Revere, warning us all of things that may happen. I can listen and still go on with normal life. He's worth listening to.

    I agree with poster about " the sky is failing" BS. That set mine & hubby's BS detectors off. We watch but carefully.

  • NewChapter

    AK, just because he agrees with you on some things doesn't mean he represents you. If I were conservative, I would feel a bit embarrassed that the likes of Glenn Beck claim to speak for me. There is this strange lock-step thing going on with my conservative friends where they feel uncomfortable criticizing other conservatives. I'm not sure when this started but it is evident when you see republicans interviewed about Weiner and Vitter. Weiner sent pics---Vitter slept with prostitutes. The head of the RNC in one breath demanded that Weiner resign. The very next question was did he think Vitter should resign. Absolutely not. See it's like blind following. I don't think you should give into pressure like that. Glenn Beck is bizzarre and unbalanced. Perhaps that is just an act, in which case I feel bad for the people that believe. Perhaps he is really mentally ill, in which case I feel bad for his followers and him. Either way, you should be able to disagree with another fiscal conservative without feeling like you are missing some point.


  • free2beme

    I agree with you. I see him in the same catagory as the gay rights people who put on an emotional show of crying and outcry to get their rights. Doesn't mean I disagree with them, his thoughts, etc. I just hate excessive drama and self centered displays to get a point across. Makes me want to kick them in the balls.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Well, I see I am not alone in finding his style edgy and uncomfortable.

    I too get that old 'cultist' in the house feeling when he speaks. His constant rhetoric about storing up food and buying gold makes me believe that his agenda is far more Mormon than Conservative. Maybe, since leaving the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses, I am just uber-sensitive to people who come from where he comes from?

    On the other hand, perhaps I am shedding my 'conservative' skin more than I want to accept. I am far from Liberal, but perhaps nearly as far from what passes in the media these days for conservative.


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