Regional Convention 2015 - Program

by Designer Stubble 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble
    9:20 Music
    9:30 Song No. 5 and Prayer
    9:40 CHAIRMAN’S ADDRESS: Imitate Jesus—Why and How?
    10:20 SYMPOSIUM: Lessons From Jesus’ Word Pictures
    ˙ Observe the Birds and the Lilies
    ˙ “Have Salt in Yourselves”
    ˙ Build Your House on the Rock
    11:10 Song No. 120 and Announcements
    11:20 Follow Jesus’ Pattern—Keep On Asking, Seeking, and Knocking!
    11:45 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: “Concealed in Him Are All the Treasures of Wisdom”
    12:15 Song No. 69 and Intermission

    1:25 Special Musical Video Presentation
    1:35 Song No. 56
    1:40 Sing Praises in Imitation of Jesus
    2:05 SYMPOSIUM: Imitate Jehovah by Imitating Jesus
    ˙ “Take These Things Away From Here!”
    ˙ He “Started to Wash the Feet of the Disciples”
    ˙ “Go Away, Satan!”
    ˙ “It Has Been Accomplished!”
    ˙ “Happy Are the Peacemakers”
    ˙ Pay Back “God’s Things to God”
    3:10 Song No. 80 and Announcements
    3:20 DRAMA: ‘For a Certainty God Made Him Lord and Christ’—Part I
    3:55 “He Was Favorably Heard for His Godly Fear”
    4:15 Jesus “Came to Seek and to Save What Was Lost”
    4:50 Song No. 121 and Closing Prayer

    9:20 Music
    9:30 Song No. 79 and Prayer
    9:40 SYMPOSIUM: Imitate Jesus, Not Satan
    ˙ Be Generous
    ˙ Be Appreciative
    ˙ Be Truthful
    ˙ Be Loyal
    10:20 SYMPOSIUM: Imitate Jesus, Not the Pharisees
    ˙ Be Reasonable
    ˙ Be Forgiving
    ˙ Be Impartial
    ˙ Be Refreshing
    11:00 Song No. 54 and Announcements
    11:10 SYMPOSIUM: Do the Work That Jesus Did
    ˙ Preach
    ˙ Teach
    ˙ Heal
    11:45 BAPTISM: “Follow His Steps Closely”—After Baptism
    12:15 Song No. 7 and Intermission

    1:35 Music
    1:45 Song No. 82
    1:50 SYMPOSIUM: Imitate Jesus’ Use of Power
    ˙ Dear Young Ones
    ˙ Faithful Single Ones
    ˙ Precious Wives
    ˙ Loving Husbands
    ˙ Wise Parents
    ˙ Kind Elders
    2:50 Song No. 137 and Announcements
    3:00 Follow Jesus, But Not “at a Distance”
    3:25 Train, Trust, and Empower Others, as Jesus Does
    3:50 SOUND DRAMA: “For This I Have Come Into the World”
    4:15 Arm Yourselves with Christ’s Mental Disposition

    9:20 Music
    9:30 Song No. 84 and Prayer
    9:40 SYMPOSIUM: “Have Love among Yourselves”
    ˙ Be Patient and Kind
    ˙ Avoid Jealousy and Bragging
    ˙ Repudiate Pride and Indecency
    ˙ Reject Selfishness and Provocation
    ˙ Do Not Keep Account of the Injury
    ˙ Rejoice, Not Over Unrighteousness, but with the Truth
    ˙ Bear, Believe, Hope, and Endure All Things
    ˙ Cultivate Love, Which Never Fails
    11:10 Song No. 72 and Announcements
    11:20 PUBLIC BIBLE DISCOURSE: Jesus Christ, World Conqueror—How and When?
    11:50 Summary of the Watchtower
    12:20 Song No. 136 and Intermission

    1:35 Music
    1:45 Song No. 108
    1:50 True Liberation Awaits Those Who Imitate Jesus
    2:10 DRAMA: ‘For a Certainty God Made Him Lord and Christ’—Part II
    2:40 Song No. 109 and Announcements
    2:50 As the Storm Approaches, Maintain Your Focus on Jesus!
    3:45 Song No. 17 and Closing Prayer
  • Louise

    How happy am I that I get to enjoy my weekend. My schedule:

    Friday Morining:

    9 am - wake up and potter around in my jarmies. Make tea and play with my dogs.

    11am - head out for a late breakfast somewhere on the beachfront. Sip cover and look at the ocean.

    1pm - meet up with some friends and pop a beer. Talk about shit and show them my thumb. Have some hubbly. Laugh and joke around.

    4pm - a lil buzzed, get a braai going and chill.

    6pm - a lil more buzzed, eat, talk more rubbish, drink a lil more whiskey.


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Wow!! A Convention which predominantly focuses on Christ!!

    What on earth could have prompted the governing body to commission so many talks in Christ's name? Could they possibly be concerned with "apostates" spreading such truthful information as the following???

    Christian Witnesses

    Isa. 62:2; Acts 11:26; Matt. 10:18; Mark 13:9; Luke 24: 47,48; Acts 1:8; John 1:15; John 5:37;

    John 8:18; John 15:26,27; Acts 10:39; Acts 10:43; Acts 13:31; Acts 22:15; Acts 22:20; Acts 23:11; Acts 26:16; 1 Cor. 1:6; 1 Tim. 2:6,7; 2 Tim. 1:8; 1 John 5:9; Rev. 1:9; Rev. 12:17; Rev. 17:6; Rev. 19:10; Rev. 20:4.

    or this -

    In whose name were Christians to witness? (see above)

    For whose name would Christians be hated? (Matt. 10:22)

    By whose name were people healed? (Acts 3:6; Acts 4:10)

    By whose name were demons expelled? (Luke 10:17; Acts 16:18)

    By whose name would people receive Holy Spirit? (John 14:26)

    In whose name would people pray to God? (John 15:16)

    By whose name would people be named? (Isa. 62:2; Acts 11:26)

    By whose name would people be reconciled to God? (Rom. 5:10; 2 Cor. 5:18)

    By whose name would people be forgiven their sins? (Matt. 26:28; Acts 2:38; Eph. 1:7)

    In whose name would people be judged? (John 5:27)

    By whose name would people be resurrected (John 5:28)

    In whose name would people be baptized? (Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5, 22:16)

    In whose name were people to put faith? (John 2:23)

    In whose name was Saul/Paul commissioned to preach? (Acts 9:14-16)

    For whose name would Christians be reproached? (1 Peter 4:14)

    In whose name were Christians to gather together? (Matt. 18:20)

    For whose name would Christians make sacrifices? (Matt. 19:29)

    For whose name would Christians be persecuted and killed? (Luke 21:12,16,17)

    In whose name will every knee in heaven and on earth bend? (Philippians 2:10)

    In whose name would people be declared righteous? (1 Cor. 6:11)

    For some inexplicable reason, the name 'Jehovah' is notable by its absence in every scripture!

    How could the God-appointed "faithful slave" (96 years old now!) be so misguided?

  • menrov

    At first sight, it does seem it is almost all about Jesus. But I wonder about the actual contents. It would not be the first time that the organisation uses Jesus as a attractive teaser.

    I still am convinced it is an act of window dressing, to 1) avoid even secular critics that the organisation is not really Christian as they hardly focus on Him and 2) indeed to please the (growing) group among the R&F who are dissatisfied with the minimal focus on Jesus.

    We have to wait for the first convention to learn what the contents was all about.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    That will get all their Jesus talk out of the way for the next decade. I"m sure they'll spin it that the GB is somehow superior to Jesus.
  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Huh. So, for the VERY FIRST TIME in WT history, Jesus' own brothers on earth today will be presenting their VERY FIRST Convention Drama about Jesus.

    (How many years have JWs had dramas at conventions? Since early 1920's or 1930's? Or earlier?) and now, in 2015, they will finally have their FIRST DRAMA featuring Jesus. I think this needs to be proclaimed far and wide to present JWs. Maybe it will help some of them to wake up. Why were all the previous dramas about OT people and obscure OT prophets, etc. and never about Jesus, of whom JWs are to be footstep-followers??

    Can someone find out the date when JWs or Bible Students began having dramas at conventions?

    I can imagine that the talks in 2015 about Jesus will focus on all their usual stuff about Jesus which they spin and slant to fit the JW model of "preaching" and rejecting the world and not having compassion for their flock when/if they become "weak" ("Get behind me, Satan!" & "Let the dead bury their dead...")

    They will probably highlight Jesus saying things like "He who has greater love for [family] is not worthy of me..."

    They will say how we need to follow Jesus' admonition to be like "little children" (so as to swallow blindly & humbly all the pronouncements of the GB) ....

    Oh yes, it will be all the usual WT spin on Jesus, carefully crafted to fit the WT model. If it is anything different from this, I will be gobsmacked & will eat my hat.

  • freemindfade

    Pretty jesus heavy, I don't see the name of the desert god anywhere.

  • pixel

    Be, do, do not, observe, pay, have.

    This ain't about Jesus people. Is about what a Witness can/can't/should do.

    A huge guilt trip. All rules. Zero substance.

  • Oubliette
    SATURDAY MORNING - 10:20 SYMPOSIUM: Imitate Jesus, Not the Pharisees

    Someone should make sure the GB members listen attentively to that talk.
  • Oubliette

    FMF: Pretty jesus heavy, I don't see the name of the desert god anywhere.

    FRIDAY AFTERNOON - 2:05 SYMPOSIUM: Imitate Jehovah by Imitating Jesus

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