by Jim Dee 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    Guys and Girls

    The Society have now instituted CARNIVORE - their data tracking system installed into the UK Bethel to track all apostate email and activity. The reason is the amount of "leaks" of confidential mail and facts.

    They have tried and failed with legal blocking, so now they are plugging the leaks, These guys were brought into Mill Hill late last year after the leak of the June 1 Letter.

    Their method is to use message boards and chat rooms for the "disaffected" and get them to go to other "society monitored" web sites. How? Messages have started, and will increase, to say "look at this" or "this is a great joke" or "see the latest on xxxxxx" and there will be a hyperlink. Click that and the web site will monitor where you came from (ie the anti JW web site) and your IP address and location from the security info in all Windows products (but not Star Office or Lynax).

    The society reckon that by July 1 they will know where the "leaks" are and will start to plug them immediately.

    Do not follow any Hyperlink from any WTBS discussion group where you don't know the poster and you are still "in the truth". If you do it may be the society trying to track you.

    Sorry to be alarmist - but this is serious


  • badboy

    They can read my contributions on the forum anytime,they might learn something.

    Give me the apportiate(sic)hyperlink and hallejuh brother and sisters,
    I will deluge them with information!

  • moman

    Thanx for the warning! This is getting fun, though.


  • ozziepost

    It's in the early hours of the morning here in Oz so I may not be too quick on the uptake, but I wonder how this new procedure you've described will help track the 'leaks'? Doesn't it just track the ones getting the info, not providing it? Or have I missed something?


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    When you log onto any web site, your identity is noted (notice how you get a lot of "spam" email)and also where you came from (ie yahoo, search engine, advert click through etc). This is standard commercial technology

    They cannot log your identity onto this discussion group - but by getting you to "click through" to one of their monitored web sites then they know who you are,that you visited an apostate web site to get to them, your email address and can locate you if you are surfing from a company etc. From that they can trace you with ease.

    Either get a clocking device put on your PC, or don't click through


  • LovesDubs

    Wow...imagine how sharp Ozzie is when hes fully AWAKE! :)
    (no pun intended)

    Good catch Oz...hey, how could they possibly catch an elder out of several hundred of them go to a meeting and one of them passes a recording of it onto a KNOWN apostate? They cant catch these guys...they know what they are doing. The Society is just using their "scare tactics" once again, since they are totally incapable of stemming the tide of information leaving the Borg "most holy" LOL! Its so much fun to watch them huffing and puffing tho. :)

    Read CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE by Former Governing Body Member RAY FRANZ

    * http://freeminds.org/sales/most_burned.htm

  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    I too have leaked a lot of info to a known apostate - and it got published. I have also heled out Bill @ Slent lambs to back up the NBC Broadcast. Thats not the issue here

    The issue is that the WTBS are trying anything to plug the leaks - and this is just one of them.

    For Instance the broadcast from a cellphone of the Elders school has horrified them, by Dec of this year ALL circuit halls will have "Cellphone blockers" in them - that will stop that.

    This web monitoring is just one of the measures I have alerted you to


  • Mindchild

    Sorry Jim,

    ...but I don't buy this at all. First, the CARNIVORE system you mention is owned and used by the FBI not the WTS. Now let's look at the other tracking systems....Cookies have been around forever. If you go to the WTS offical site, let's say you get a cookie on your computer. This simply tells their computer that you have been there before. You can easily block acceptance of cookies or delete them with many excellent free programs. They can get your ISP information unless you are using either a proxy or anonymous service, but so what? All that information tells them is the location of the ISP and the company (say AOL, MSN, etc.) Unless they have physical access to your computer where they can examine the cookies on it, or hack into your ISP account (illegal) they can't tell which computer is being used.

    There are some nasty trojan programs that hackers can put into systems that send out personal information but the WTS is not stupid enough to risk getting multimillion dollar lawsuits for doing something this illegal.

    There is good reason to guard your privacy for online use in general but the WTS is no more dangerous in this respect than another website.


  • BritBoy


    What email addy would they get? I mean I have aol, yahoo, hotmail etc!!


    They wouldn't have made the cane if you weren't meant to break the rules!

  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    1. The guys the society brought is are very special, they know what they are doing

    2.Carnivore was developed for the FBI, it is in use (all or part) by many companies

    3. Its not cookies that are the problem, its identifing the source of the "web hit" - and if you click though from a "dissaffected" board to their "innocent" web site they can identify you.

    4. Windows security issues are well known.

    Its up to you, but we all need to be careful


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