Attack and Destroy, New JW Policy

by eruption 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lozhasleft

    Sorry about my wording SBF - I've edited to make my position/opinion clear.

    Loz x

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I can't see the mental state difference between somebody who, lets say, joined the Witnesses in the early 20th century claiming to be of the annointed and those in this present time who have converted to the JW cult claiming heavenaly status because it's total fantasy in both instances.

    I'm General Patton come back to life and how do I know because I have a feeling. Duh!

  • edmond dantes
  • sizemik

    The reason the annointed even exist is because the numbers got too big years ago and Armageddon hadn't come . . . so they invented the other sheep. It fits very well with the shadowy FDS . . . which has no say anyway because it doesn't really exist beyond a number on a page. The FDS concept is something they identify as leading them to deflect attention away from the "cult leaders" . . . the most influential on the GB. The R&F who "buy in" may have delusions of grandeur, but are just as removed from the controlling authority as everybody else. The buzz they create among the congregations reinforces the whole deception. It's like a self-perpetuated never-ending cycle of wierd.

  • lingno2

    nice idea....

    can anyone share wtlib 2010 cdrom i don't have yet

  • slimboyfat

    When the WT claims that some who think they are anointed are actually insane, has it not occurred to them that there is another possibility? Why can't someone be BOTH "genuine anointed" (in their terms) AND insane? I guess that is totally out of the question for them, but I don't see why it should be. Presumably "genuine anointed" people can suffer all sorts of physical conditions, such as heart conditions, diabetes, asthma and so on. So what is wrong with the idea that "genuine anointed" could also include people with mental illnesses?

    It seem to me that the governing body are using mental illness as a term of abuse to dismiss others who are acting in ways that are inconvenient to their own interests.

  • rebel8

    Ive often wondered too why Xjws don't put more organized effort into helping others get out of the Borg. Some have and we all know who they are.

    I've learned this with my extensive counter-cult work, my professional counseling work, and my legislative advocacy: Preventing anything takes less effort to affect more people, and it reduces the problem a LOT more effectively.

    Why don't people want to put more organized effort into preventing cultism in the first place? Maybe because they don't understand prevention, maybe because it doesn't have the same dramatic gleam, I don't know.

    The best way to reduce this and all cults is to prevent their growth, and there are some really low-effort, no-cost ways to do that. And no one wants to do them, as far as I can tell. (Want evidence? Check back on my previous threads on prevention. Compare the # of views and replies to those about lawsuits, protests, etc. The last one I started had 0 replies.)

  • slimboyfat

    I think you make an excellent point rebel8. So many posts we have had on the forum from people who were being called on by Witnesses, or even at the point of baptism, and new information has made them think twice.

  • rebel8

    Yep, and imagine how much anguish was prevented for those individuals and potential future generations that would have been affected. Plus those who would have been recruited by those new publishers....imagine!

    That's really cool, and really effective. Not at all comparable to pleading with a current member to leave, spending years of effort convincing, only to save that one person who has already been harmed.

    *Not* that it's a waste of time to help current members...but surely the overall net benefit is much less.

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