New Curcuit Overseer Brainwash Talk....Obey the Slave even if you find a serious Flaw in JW Doctrine

by foolsparadise 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Slick talker and slick outline writer...

    I suspect the society is getting an ever increasing mail bag overflow of letters from the Rank and file questioning them.

    But its not new information thats for sure, the GB has been responding to queries that way for years both privatly and in the WT rag.

    just love the way they have retro appointed a 1st century GB and 'helpers' ...


  • ambersun

    I just listened to the first couple of minutes and lost count of the number of times he said 'the truth'. It seemed to be in practically every sentence!Have marked it for later when I have more time to listen properly.

  • lovelylil

    Ken Cunningham is being discussed on another thread too. He is the WORST ever CO. The most arrogant self righteous of the bunch. He was in the boston area for a while, made a lot of people piss** off! When I listened to the link did not realize it was him until someone gave up his name. His wife was no better, I could tell stories about her too. We called her the prissy little princess.

    edited to add; the discussion of this is on the CO mentions Ray Franz thread.

  • QuestioningEverything

    Please tell me the general area of the recording where he makes this statement. I can't bear to listen to the whole thing. ;)

  • punkofnice

    @lovelylil = Ken Cunningham is being discussed on another thread too. He is the WORST ever CO. The most arrogant self righteous of the bunch.

    Strewth. Can he really be as bad as some of the power trippers I've suffered in the past?

    'Obey even if they're wrong!' This kind of 'control' doesn't surprise me. The WTB$/FD$ seems more like Hitler's nazi party every day.

    Now we have the internet their lies are exposed. So they're in damage control mode, can't justify their duplicity so are barking the orders 'shut up and put up or else!!!!'

  • AnnOMaly

    Is this guy reading the same Bible as I am? Or am I not hearing him right? Tell me if I haven't understood him correctly. (I'm only up to 22:00 - maybe he clarifies.)

    He says (the gist of it is) that when Peter, who did not consider himself the GB channel ( on so many levels when remembering the agenda of this talk), had the God-given vision and converted Cornelius and told his "fellow members of the GB" about it, NOTHING happened, that the 'GB' only acquiesced, that he had to wait a further 13 years (Acts 15 time) before the GB as a body officially rubber-stamped the idea that converting the uncircumcised Gentiles was OK!

    But Acts 11:19-24 shows that converting 'the Greeks' already had Jerusalem's blessing; Acts 13:44-48 says Gentiles were being converted in Antioch; Acts 14:1 says a great many Greeks became believers in Iconium. So, far from 'nothing changing' in those 13 years, Peter had kick-started a ministry to the Gentiles that continued on and grew regardless of what this CO imagines the 'GB' in Jerusalem was doing - which kinda negates his point about 'patiently waiting' for the rudder GB to change direction!

  • BluesBrother

    Hmmm. So he places the GB of today on a par with the Governing Body of the 1st Cent. in Jerusalem. who were directly guided by the H/Spirit (following J W teachings here) .....Is that not presumption? Does it not contradict what they themselves teach?

    Sp then a diligent Witness who has researched something has to ignore the evidence of his eyes and reasoning.....actually ignore what he reads in the Bible and follow the fobbing off that he gets from Brooklyn as being from a higher authority . Is that not apostasy?

    Suppose another religion said that? Would they not scream that their members were prevented from following Scripture?

    Anyway, thank you foolsparadise and others, it reinforced by conviction that the WBTS is garbage .

  • AnnOMaly

    ... a diligent Witness who has researched something has to ignore the evidence of his eyes and reasoning.....actually ignore what he reads in the Bible and follow the fobbing off that he gets from Brooklyn as being from a higher authority .

    I guess that's why they got rid of this pre-1985 baptism question:

    (2) On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?

  • baltar447

    Wow I'm listening to this and I'm amazed. They must be very afraid of everyone finding out how whacked the theology is.

  • yourmomma

    this is one of the craziest talks I have ever heard, he went so far as to say not only if we find the original greek to disprove a current watchtower docterine, but if we were TO GET A VISION FROM JEHOVAH HIMSELF, and was ignored or still given the wrong answer by the governing body, WHERE ELSE WOULD YOU GO? LOLOLOL!!!!!!

    That is a new all time level of arrogance. They must be really getting alot of push back from people, I mean for the first time, I heard a speaker directly address the fact that when you check the original greek with the watchtower docterines the greek disproves the watchtower.

    wow, im not even half way through and im blown away. just wow.

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