how would you interpret this wt cover?

by therevealer 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The evolution of a Jehovah Witness!

    That's what I saw, too!

    LOVE Outlaw's observation that disposable diapers weren't invented when that old guy was a baby. WatchTARDed, indeed. LOL.


    The BackDrop and Floor of the Picture,are Cloth..

    A Giant Rag,in a pointless WatchTarded Picture..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

  • Scully

    You start out in diapers, you end up in diapers.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Paradise Earth...the hope that never materializes...

  • transhuman68

    That Watchtower had an article called 'God's Rest' in it, with the quote about the 'light getting brighter', so my guess is that they have given up on Armageddon, and are hinting that it's not coming anytime soon.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Is that a real WT cover...? As all I could see is this...

  • sinis

    Funny how they are ALL (baby included) looking FORWARD, with the EXCEPTION of the old man... hmmmmmmm

  • journey-on

    Look! There's the new light! Just ahead, old man! Don't turn away now!

  • therevealer

    Yup, methinks sinis hit on something. They are all looking forward to the fulfillment of the wt promises. Only the old man has clued in and looks ruefull. He gets the cruel joke. He is just going to die and rot or be burned up. So much for the promises. And if it is sposed to depict the same individual from birth to old age and death and more so if he is sposed to be a witness, it is an illustration done by an apostate. Why do I say that. Well each one seems to be moving forward with what appears to be some anticipation of where he is going. Except for the old guy (could be me, but a little to old) who's face shows clearly that he finally gets that it is all a ruse. A cruel joke.

  • therevealer

    sorry journey-on. Methinks you are to late with your warning. He looks like he has already looked aside.

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