Star Trek was pivotal to me growing up and here is the best of it, imo

by sabastious 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • NCC-1701

    How could a guy using the name, NCC-1701 not be a Star Trek Fan? To boldly post...

  • sinis

    NG sucked. The original kicked ass!!!! Kirk was the man... Picard was a Frenchman who owned a once dropped never fired phaser...

  • sabastious
    NG sucked. The original kicked ass!!!! Kirk was the man... Picard was a Frenchman who owned a once dropped never fired phaser...

    He's good with a Klingon knife though and was stabbed through the chest by a Nausicaan in a bar fight.


  • sabastious
    How could a guy using the name, NCC-1701 not be a Star Trek Fan? To boldly post...

    Woot! Glad to have you here!


  • sabastious
    I watched TNG but somehow missed that one. I can see why you liked it. One of the best by far.

    I'm very glad I dug it up for you then!


  • NCC-1701

    Thank you, Sab. Glad to be here.

  • Berengaria

    The original had a certain charm that can not be duplicated (although the latest movie was darn good, paying homage to the original). But TNG is the best. They really shouldn't be compared, it's like an awesome Beta version, and the finished product.

    I enjoyed Voyager.........never got in to the other ones. Original and TNG....................spectacular stuff.

    Mary! City on the Edge of Forever was one of the best, Harlan Ellison. Which is one very cool thing about the original series, the writers.

  • garyneal

    Makes me think of my life and makes me wonder what my daughter (particularly my oldest) will turn out like.

    I try to make the most of each moment as they pass so quickly. I know that one day I will be old and hopefully playing with my granddaughter too.

    Will my oldest daughter follow in my footsteps and get into all the things I am into? I guess only time will tell.

  • NomadSoul

    Are you guys crazy?! This episode made you cry? When this episode was over I was telling myself how frightning of an experience this would be.

    But my favorite are time-space episodes. I think Stargate have a few.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I respect your option Normad Soul....

    When I first saw this I was still in.....

    Today I love this episode even more cause......

    I lived a lifetime in the Truth raising a family for Jah.... then one day BOOM it was gone....

    I would never trade that moment I had for anything........

    I was glad that I had another chance to see a life in another way.....

    Today I have a wonderful family outside of the Truth... and this episode as Dumb as it might sound..... gives you the 2'd chance of life...

    I love every moment I had with my JW family........ I'm a Better Man now for living that with my New Family!!

    This episode really gets to me.........and NO THOSE AREN'T TEARS LOL

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