If People Told you the JW's Would Change These Beliefs & Practices.....

by flipper 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    THE LOVE DOCTOR- All the WT society wants JW's to do is just be quiet and obey them. You are basically right. They don't want them to question anything and believe everything on blind faith. And many Witnesses do just that.

    DESIROUS OF CHANGE- Yes many of the " crash course " 6 month Bible studies have left the cult - but so have many who were properly ( allegedly ) indoctrinated for a longer period of time. To me - it shows how flimsy the WT society's doctrines are anyway that so mANY have left the organization.

    OTWO- So hey buddy- if the chips at the Apostafest represent the " body of lies " we all were told, and the beer represents the " washed down lies " through sweat - what the hell will the WINE represent that we drink at the Apostafest ?? The Blood, Sweat, and Tears we expended for years as JW's ? LOL ! Wait a minute- that's the name of a pop music group. I anxiously await your comments

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Hi Mr Flipper, the nicest and most curteous man on here (IMO!)

    It didnt matter if they held their hands up and publicly declared on National TV all the horrendous lies and cover-ups and docturine changes that have occured. In my mind, they have done irrapairable damage and caused unessecary death, family conflict, turmoil, mental issues and so on...unless the GB publicly stand up and declare they are not Gods only channel, accept Jesus as authority not 8 old gits in bethel, protect children, realise everyone has a chance to be saved not just them, and start being real Christians by helped everyone not just their own, then, and only then, would I even begin to contemplate with calm objectiveness anything they have to say. And after they were done, I still wouldnt believe them!

    Love, Paula x

    (sorry about the spelling, the wine and easter eggs have got the better of me!)


    Good Morning Flipper..

    I`ve been gone for decades..

    If I went back tomorrow,and insisted I preach what I was Taught back then..

    I would be DF`d..

    The WBT$/JWCult is UnRecognizable from when I was in it..

    WBT$ Beliefs have an Expiration date..At some point in time..

    WBT$ Literature,becomes Apostate Literature..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    Actually, I used to be so mortified at what they would print in the WT, that I wondered why they didn't have a private edition.


  • flipper

    PAMSGIRL- Thanks for the kind words, truly appreciate it. I agree with you. At this point it wouldn't even matter if the GB and WT society leaders came clean and admitted their faults and errors of their ways in misleading JW members. Like you say - the damage has been done. It can't be UNDONE. People dying from not taking blood transfusions, shoddy child abuse policies, DFed family members being cut off where many have commited suicide, the agony of self righteous JW's shunning even family members who ARE NOT DFed . It never ends. The leaders of this cult should be imprisoned and the key thrown away - in my opinion.

    After spending 44 years of my life from birth in this ridiculous cult and exiting 7 years ago - I don't believe ANYTHING they say either. I was duped long enough, almost half a century. Jesus- that's a long time. Oh well, now I know better ! Hope your wine & eggs had fun over Easter ! LOL !

    OUTLAW- Yeah, I agree with you. In the last few decades the beliefs have changed SO MUCH inside the WT society that Jehovah's Witnesses don't know if they're coming or going anymore. The doctrines constantly change on major issues every few years that even JW's don't know which end is up !! If I had stayed in it after 2003 I would have been kicked out as well because I couldn't have stayed quiet in voicing my opinions in the congregation. I STILL find it hard to stay quiet in talking to my still in JW relatives ! I need a muzzle on my mouth sometimes ! LOL !

    SNOWBIRD- Well, yes indeed. They finally DID get a private version of the WT magazine as Steve Hassan says many cults do to manipulate their members with harder counsel. Poor, poor Witnesses

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