Aposta-Cruise 2012

by Alfred 74 Replies latest members meetups


    I went on a cruise a few years ago some JW's set up, to the Southern Caribbean. There was a group discount because there was so many of us. I think the cruise cost $400 for 7 days, plus the air, of course. In fact, the sister setting it all up probably got a free crusie out of it. So if you're serious, I'd say go for it!

    It would be funny if you could find out if there was a JW group going, and then THEY could be preached to by us dirty, rotten apostates. There's not many places to hide on a cruise. One of their WT meetings could be infiltrated and when it's time to comment, oh what fun could be had by all. Well, by all i mean us apostates.

    Oh to dream....

    Anyway, it's a go for me...add me to the list.

  • DanaBug

    Yes! U.S. right? East coast or west coast? Although cruise ships kind of scare me, out in the water with no land in sight, I would totally do it to meet some awesome apostates!

  • av8orntexas

    I'd be up for a trip anywhere in the world at anytime.

  • FollowedMyHeart

    My husband and I have been wanting to go on a cruise. We're definitely interested!

    Alfred, are you thinking late next year (2012) or SEP-NOV 2011?

  • sherah

    bumping to generate interest

  • elder-schmelder

    I might be in on that.

  • aquagirl

    So,how do we get this going?Im in,got a housesitter for the cats.I would absoliutly LOVE to meet some of you guys!!!!!!!

  • DJPoetech
  • sspo
  • aquagirl

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