Does Anyone Know How To Drain Blocked Inner Ears?

by Low-Key Lysmith 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • LV101

    Have you called a pharmacist like at a walgreens --- they might have something. when we used to live in the pool and the kids would swim all summer and play in the ocean we'd use the dropper with alcohol/vinegar --- couple drops e/ear and this did the trick for the ears. my brother in law (an ex olympic swimmer many yrs. ago) recommended and he was still using this method. but i don't know if this would help or not.

    since you've had an infection --- i might call the doc.

  • brizzzy

    I've used hydrogen peroxide before (someone told me to try it and I was afraid to because it just sounded like a bad idea...but finally did try it and relief was immediate!)

    You lie on your side and pour about a capful of it into your ear. You hear this hissing/fizzing/popping/crackling sound in your ear and it's kinda freaky. No pain or anything. Just freaky noise. You lay there for a few minutes until the crackling sound starts to subside, and then you stand up and tilt your head and let the ear drain out into a tissue or something.

    Sounds gross, but I had this ear infection or something a few months ago, and there were sharp pains in my ears from buildup or something, and after doing the hydrogen peroxide, no pain. Gone. Immediately. So maybe it'd work for your situation, too?

  • DagothUr

    Hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water) is used to debride wounds or as a disinfectant. For that ear infection it was manna from heavens. However, in this case there is a chronic sinusitis (which is a nasty disease and cannot be treated 100%) which gives all sorts of complications. He must see a specialist physician and must not perform self-remedies. In Romania they are known as ORL-medics. Oto-rhino-laringology.

  • XxAmeliaXx

    I suffer blocked eustacian tubes regularly, no idea why. Nothing works and it usually goes away after about 10 days and I am free for a month or so and it comes back.

    It is a massive nuisance because of course it means I am deaf in the affected ear but also I can hear my heart beating and other bodily functions that previously I had been completely unaware of and would prefer not to hear. Also discovered I have a very creaky neck!!!

    Brizzy, I have never heard of this cure but I will definitely try it next time. Never expected I might find a solution to an on going problem on a site for the "mentally diseased" (see July 15th 2011 Watchtower) Cheers



  • Scully

    Try chewing some gum - the rhythmic jaw movement sometimes encourages the tubes to drain.

    Sometimes warming up a "magic bag" in the microwave and holding it on the neck just below the ears works for me too.

  • poopsiecakes

    Well, poopsie, I tried it. No results and my ears smell bad. Thanks for nuthin'.

    Sorry bud...I hope you have a good flight and that something works for you!

  • Kinjiro

    Wasabi... try some on some sushi or salad... it WILL clear your sinus

  • slimboyfat

    Can't your doctor syringe your ears for you? I had that done once and it cleared up my blocked ear completely.

  • Iamallcool

    How did your flight go?

  • drwtsn32

    Dude I have the SAME problem right now and am due to fly on Sunday. I had a case of bronchitis a couple weeks back and also had a lot of sinus congestion. I still have a lot of fluid in my right middle ear and am mostly deaf as a result. Early on the pressure was so great it was causing significant pain, but that has subsided so I hope it means the fluid is slowly draining.

    I flew once before when I was in this situation and the pressure changes hurt like HELL. There is also the possibility of rupturing an eardrum if the pressure gets too great. In that case the fluid will actually drain out your ear canal and the pain will subside. And your eardrum does recover from this, I guess.

    I have been looking around online at ways to fix this problem and there seems to be only two options: wait it out and let it drain naturally (which can actually take MONTHS in some cases), or have an ENT doctor actually pierce your eardrum and put a tube in there so it can drain. They sometimes do the latter for young children as their eustachian tubes are especially susceptible to not draining properly.

    A dr told me to take Claritin-D but it's hard to say if it's working or not.

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