This Years Memeorial and MY heartbreak

by PSacramento 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    PSac = I pray over and over for Our Lord to open their eyes and I know that He never forces belief but I still pray that one day they will see the truth.

    I'm on God's 'nuicance call list' the amount of times I've prayed for them to simply become free of the 'mind control'. I'm not even asking God to remove their 'freewill' just wake them up. Our Pastor prayed also for those who have had their minds 'manipulated' and I know he was referring to my family.

    There are many on the forum who don't believe this stuff but at least positive vibes are a good thing even if one doesn't believe in God or the mainstream concept of him.

    Here's thinking of you PS! I know how it hurts when it should be joyous!

  • sspo

    Have mercy on your mother...she's brainwashed as we all were when we were in and reasoned the same as she is right now.

    My own daughter has not talked to me in 3 years due to my "apostacy" and yet i'm not even DF.

  • tec

    You don't have to turn your back on anyone to say, "I'm not going to be spoken to like this. Please call me back when you are calmer."

    Easier said than done, I know, especially when dealing with family. Emotions are entangled and you want so much for them to be free. Is there anything new that you can try to reason with? If not, then perhaps its time to stop trying to reason, and simply live your faith. Let your light shine forth... in example, rather than word.


  • snowbird

    Amen, Tammy.

    Tell her, "Mom, I'm not afraid of God, and I'm teaching the girls not to fear Him."

    That should either stop her dead in her tracks or send her skedaddling.


  • PSacramento
    You mustn't turn your back on them. However they may turn their back on you.
    That is the difference between the Borg psuedo christians and us......unfortunately.

    I hear you my brother and thank you for reminding me :)

  • PSacramento

    Punk, sspo, Tammy and Syl :)

    Thanks for your advice and strength and love, as always :)

  • sabastious

    The memorial is a big deal to Witnesses. I'm sure the venom was supplied by the gravity of her realization of where you actually are on this planet. It was hard for her, I would imagine, to accept that you might not make it with her into the New World. So she has tricked herself into believing that you have no chance to make it through. This is a mental defense mechanism I have seen in many Witnesses. It's either you're in or your out; she doesn't want ambiguities because they tear her up inside.

    An explosion of that sort reeks of fear and guilt to me. I would give it some time, maybe a lot of time, and then try to reconnect.

    My thoughts are you with you.


  • Morbidzbaby

    I expect the fall-out to be the same with my mother. Maybe not screaming and ranting, but the silent treatment and the heavy sighs to alert me to her displeasure. God I hate that manipulative BS! My dad isn't giving me a hard time, though. He's usually good about stuff like that.

    I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. I really am. However, I must agree with my predecessors on this thread that you do NOT have to take that abuse just because she is your mother. I've resolved not to let anyone abuse me anymore, over the telephone or otherwise. I respect myself far too much now to allow it. Just because you don't want to be in a cult does not make you worthy of abuse. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with people who can't think for themselves, you have to just let them think what they want. It hurts to know your own family thinks of you that way, I know. I've been told I'm on Satan's side, I'm a dangerous demon, I'm a tool of Satan... Those words would really mean something if I believed in the devil, but the spirit behind the words is the actual insult.

    Know that you are NOT what they think you are. The only people who think you are horrible are deluded into thinking everyone but them is horrible, too. Which means 99% of the world is in the same boat as you... I'd rather be among the 99% in the lifeboats than the 1% on the sinking ship.

  • mouthy

    (((((((PSac))))))) I thought what you did with the wife & family to celebrate

    was awesome. Your children are blessed to have you. Just feel pity for your MUM

    "Forgive them LORD they know not what they do" You have the truth now

    so just turn a deaf ear to mothers insults. At least she didnt have a cup of

    "coolaid"for you to drink, like Jonestown group,or a match like KORESH all
    died in. The WT just kills them off in ones. >One here one there all over the world.

    God bless Brother

  • LV101

    P Sacramento --- i know the pain all too well. what has helped me a tad is when i'm conversing with them (in person or by phone) is to see a HUGE, FLASHING, RED LIGHT (like a sign) on their forehead that reads, SICK! it slows down my blood pressure, and i lower my voice to a whisper, and TRY to think of flowers, puppies, the beautiful ocean, anything to orient myself.

    the love of their FANTASY is beyond all reasoning (and FANTASIES ARE SO POWERFUL) and it's hopeless, in my opinion.

    PUNKOFNICE --- LOVE the term, "Spindem Hell."

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