You need a messiah

by StopTheTears 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • StopTheTears

    I dislike other people telling me what i need. That's for kids, IF they are your own. Not likely you ever had any, not having had sex and all.

    I'd much rather have your scorn than your sympathy. But I have something you will never have: my pride. This world hasn't yet been strong enough to knock me down,at least not for long. Not with Christ as my ally.

    You may think I've been waiting for some man to come along and take me away from my troubles, but I have not.. What would have become of me, a woman all alone, fighting to make her way in this bad old world? I rightly don't know. I did marry, but it was my choice.

  • lil princess
    lil princess

    ;prudes. you guys should be quakers. build a barn bikchez. you make jw s look sane. and you killed my savior!

  • TheSilence

    It has been 3 hours since you replied to me and in that time you have posted and responded to others in this same thread. Therefore I will assume that I am not getting a reply. I'm off to bed. I wish you the best even if you perceive me to be a spiritual wasteland.

    Good night,

    Jackie ~ whose own will and strength of character kept the world from knocking her down for too long, who does not believe this old world is as bad as some make it out to be, and who has not married, as yet, by her own choice and is just fine for it.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    I too have felt Jesus inside me. He's always left me satisfied.

  • Satanus

    'But I have something you will never have: my pride.'

    Isn't pride a sin?


  • factfinder

    The Jewish version of Messiah is much different than the Christian version.

  • ProdigalSon

    I love Wes Penre and his illuminati-news website. This guy was instrumental in helping me to free myself of the delusion of religion.....

    ....the Jesus myth is a pagan invention. If Christians could only look into this a little deeper and be able to free themselves from dogma and mind control that comes with any and every religious organization or teaching you subscribe to, they would see it. It is pretty obvious. The whole Bible, and the New Testament in particular, is loaded with pagan symbolism and references to the Sun and the Babylonian/Sumerian Sun God. The Bible is written in esoteric code that only a few high initiates know how to exactly interpret. There will be no "Second Coming" and there is no "Resurrection"; it's all a fabrication. We need to deal with what we have in front of us without relying on a mythical savior to clean up this mess. The responsibility is ours and ours alone.

    Mind Games
    (John Lennon)

    We're playing those mind games together
    Pushing the barriers, planting seeds
    Playing the mind guerrilla
    Chanting the mantra, peace on earth
    We all been playing those mind games forever
    Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil
    Doing the mind guerrilla
    Some call it magic, the search for the grail

    Love is the answer and you know that for sure
    Love is a flower, you got to let it, you got to let it grow

    So keep on playing those mind games together
    Faith in the future, outta the now
    You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas
    Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind
    Yeah we're playing those mind games forever
    Projecting our images in space and in time

    Yes is the answer and you know that for sure
    Yes is surrender, you got to let it, you got to let it go

    So keep on playing those mind games together
    Doing the ritual dance in the sun
    Millions of mind guerrillas
    Putting their soul power to the karmic wheel
    Keep on playing those mind games forever
    Raising the spirit of peace and love

    (I want you to make love, not war,
    I know you've heard it before)

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    That bears repeating:

    the Jesus myth is a pagan invention. If Christians could only look into this a little deeper and be able to free themselves from dogma and mind control that comes with any and every religious organization or teaching you subscribe to, they would see it. It is pretty obvious. The whole Bible, and the New Testament in particular, is loaded with pagan symbolism and references to the Sun and the Babylonian/Sumerian Sun God. The Bible is written in esoteric code that only a few high initiates know how to exactly interpret. There will be no "Second Coming" and there is no "Resurrection"; it's all a fabrication. We need to deal with what we have in front of us without relying on a mythical savior to clean up this mess. The responsibility is ours and ours alone.

  • Morbidzbaby

    While I applaud you for your conviction in what you believe, I must say I find it distasteful that you have put yourself in the judgement seat over the rest of us. YOU may feel YOU need a messiah. That's your right to feel that way. However, imposing your feelings on us as fact is pretty much the attitude that has made this world the way it is. People murdering other people for not believing the way they do. Parents strapping bombs to their children and making them into suicide bombers. It all starts with "MY belief is fact, YOURS is wrong". Even amongst Christians, it's "My Jesus is better than your Jesus".

    How you feel about your beliefs is based on how you have interpreted the bible or how it has been interpreted FOR you. In other words, it's based on FEELING, since the bible has never been proven to be a factual book (quite the contrary, actually). Fact is never based on feeling. It's a conclusion that is based on solid evidence that cannot be refuted. When a conclusion is based on a feeling it becomes an OPINION. Everyone is entitled to have their opinions, but where it crosses the line is when those opinions become judgements upon another person's character, morals, and level of spirituality. Jesus himself was never credited with making such judgements. You can claim to be close to Jesus and have some sort of relationship with him, but if you are not applying his teachings, then how are you better than any of us?

  • james_woods

    Let me just say it again -


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