You need a messiah

by StopTheTears 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • lil princess
    lil princess

    i am come... not sexual fluids. judge not lest 30 minutes or your savior is free. ya know i should start a pizzaria. if god wanted your pie to be delivered in time, he would do it himself. what? oh i am workingon my sales pitch for april. come one and all. step in line to deny your savior. GLORY

  • StopTheTears

    How close I feel to my Lord.

    That is me. As I type these words. I feel the presence of my Lord in this very room and long to be with him in his Kingdom.

  • Satanus

    I don't know why you ever got married. You already had a man. And, he never wanted any sex, did he?


  • sooner7nc

    Your Messiah's got a wonky eye.

  • poopsiecakes
  • sooner7nc

    I like your vest though. Geri' Chic.

  • JRK

    If the messiah could get me a lottery check, I may reconsider.


  • lil princess
    lil princess

    i do not aim to please. isa aimsa to save. bow down, you dog. do you wanna be saved... sinner?

  • TheSilence
    I feel the presence of my Lord in this very room and long to be with him in his Kingdom.

    I am happy for you that you have this peace and comfort since it is so obviously important to you. I still do not find the judgmentalism displayed earlier tolerable.

    And you still did not respond to this paragraph:

    That is quite a judgment to make. You know what about me other than I don't agree that someone *needs* a messiah? Do you know what I believe? Do you know what relationship I have with God, if any at all? Is it your place to judge those things with that information, let alone without it? At what point were you appointed to decide upon the veracity of my beliefs, values, and mores? I fully support your right to decide upon yours as long as they do not tread upon the rights of others... but I take exception with you not granting me the same respect.
  • Satanus

    I dislike other people telling me what i need. That's for kids, IF they are your own. Not likely you ever had any, not having had sex and all.


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