Prayers for my daughter, Ali, not a good update

by coffee_black 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hadit

    I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad you are going to be with her. My thoughts are with you both.

    Sending lot of love and healing vibes.


  • mrsjones5

    So sorry to hear. You're in our prayers.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thinking of you and your family. Best wishes too for a successful surgery



  • PSacramento

    You, your daughter and your family are in my prayers.

    My Our Lord give you all the strength you need in this difficult time and may he strengthen your daughter, may your family be strong in His love and grace.

  • undercover

    Hope everything works out. Good thoughts and vibes for you and your family

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    So sorry to hear that. Best wishes for a sucessful surgery and speedy recovery.

  • wasblind

    ((((((( Oh my Coffee-Black )))))))

    My thoughts are with you, and I wish the best for Ali

  • AGuest

    Greetings, dear, dear CB... and the greatest of love and peace to you and yours, especially dear Ali! May I ask: I know you say Ali is a Type II diabetic but have you all consider insulin? If not, please, please tell her to ask her doctor. Being insulin dependent is tough... but it will bring her blood glucose down. A lot of Type IIs are on both oral and insulin treatments.

    Also, she might consider asking her doctor to test to see if she truly IS a Type II (since her meds aren't bringing her numbers down, it could be she's not insulin resistant, but insulin deficient). I was told for several years that I was a Type II and given oral meds... yet, my glucose would NOT correct (or would drop so that I ended up in emergency room). Finally went to diabetes specialist (nationally known and author of several books)... who, after giving me a certain test (he FIRST step!), said, "You're not a Type II diabetic; you're a Type I! Didn't anyone ever tell you this??" (Shortly after, I returned to my former location and so had to change doctors. The new one argued me DOWN that I was a Type II. I sent him a request IN WRITING for the test the specialist had run... and guess what? Yeah... I am a Type I diabetic). Unfortunately, the misdiagnosis is part of what caused me to have to have major surgery recently: my numbers were high for years, causing "damage" to certain parts.

    The problem is that so many "primary providers" make the mistake of associating the type of diabetes with the age of onset and/or weight gain. These are NOT indicators of the type of diabetes a person has! What determines the TYPE... is whether one's pancreas make insulin! Regardless of your age, if you make SOME insulin... but your body either doesn't use it efficiently or is resistant to it... you are a Type II. Even if you are 10 years old (which is why "Type II" is said to be "rising" in children). However, if you body made very little or NO insulin... you are a Type I diabetic. EVEN if you weren't diagnosed until you were 60 years old! So that whole "early onset" versus "adult onset" is VERY misleading... and the reason many... MANY... cannot control their diabetes: they are misdiagnosed and, as a result, mistreated.

    Now, could be dear Ali is a Type II. But she should ask to be tested so that she KNOWS... so she can be treated properly.

    Finally, I pray (and will keep her in my prayers of course!) that her heart condition isn't the result of any one of the Type II oral medications... because a couple/few of those CAN lead to heart problems. Research the drugs she's on/been on, dear CB. You CANNOT always just trust what the doctors tell you (though often you can, do not mistake my intent, please). But in one emergency room visit (for severe chests pains) the ER nurse leaned down and whispered in my ear:

    "ADVOCATE for yourself! You MUST advocate for yourself! Do NOT just let them tell you that "nothing's" wrong! MAKE them hear you!"

    What did they try to tell me? "We can't find anything 'wrong'."

    What did we later find when I insisted something really WAS "wrong"? The medicine Avandia. Which causes heart attack, heart failure, and a plethora of other heart-related maladies... including death.

    So, ER nurse's advice was the BEST medical "consultation" I ever received.

    I will keep you, dear Ali, and both of your families in my prayers, dear one.

    Peace... and may JAH bless you both!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • nugget

    coffee my thoughts are with you all. I'm a diabetic and know how tough it is to get sugars under control when you have any sort of infection. High sugars also cause infections to linger it can be done but they are taking it slowly so as not to put too much stress on her body. Your daughter has been so brave and is due for some good luck and an improvement soon.

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