The Civil Rights Struggle: Put it to Rest

by prophecor 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Doc, you have me ROFL with your words of truth

  • suenott63

    There is only one thing that matters not race not sexual preference, not gender . The only thing that matters is Money if you have it you matter if you dont black white man women hetero homo then you dont matter. some of the richest people in usa are black , Opra ,tiger, obama . money mone money .

  • designs

    50 years ago today marches in North Carolina against segregation moved the Civil Rights issue before the American public.

    'I Am A Man'

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    You put your antagonism to rest. When the last vestigages of slavery disappear, it might happen. Statistic after statistic shows major disparities between Anglo whites and African-Americans. You don't hold humans as chattel property and suffer no consequences. Many legal barriers have fallen. De jure segregation has ended. De facto segregation still prospers.

    Go the suburbs, esp. the ritziest ones and tell me how many blacks you see. I lived in Manhattan. You rarely see them where the wealthy people live. It has improved but it still has a long way to go.

    Do legal research at a law library. The case reporters have full of horrid racial incidents. Electing a black man is symbolic. One man has immense power. I don't see how that helps most black people fare. Besides, the civil rights movement now includes women, disabled, and gay people.

  • Terry

    All movements eventually become political instruments in the hands of power brokers.

    There is more to be gained by maintaining "victims" and an underclass the unscrupulous leaders have discovered.

    Boycotts, race-baiting, one-ups-manship and cries for "justice" can make certain people very rich, indeed.

    If you can't defeat your political opponents with better ideas and facts the alternative is to play the race card.

    It is like playing poker and you're the only one who can play it deuces wild!

    It would be interesting to ask such leaders to clearly define what equality would look like were it ever to be "achieved".

    The Women's Movement was infested by sell-outs who prevented legislation that would improve things for women generally so

    that the leaders could maintain the power to cry out for "equality" ad nauseum. Once the goal is ever achieved there is no longer

    a need for these leaders!

    Think of it this way: if disease is cured you don't need doctors.

  • designs

    Give an example of the women inside the Women's Movement who prevented legislation to improve gender equality.

  • lisaBObeesa

    Whites are still privileged in this country.

    Today, whites with a felony on their record are more likely to be hired than blacks with no record. That is the world my sons have been born into. They can get a felony conviction and STILL have an advantage over a black man with no criminal record. Just because of the color of their skin!

    What we have now is a more subtle kind of discrimination. Nobody is racist (right?), but the white guy just happens to usually get the job over the black guy.

    It is very hard to fight to fix this problem in our society when people keep saying it doesn't exist.

    The problem is real and it must be delt with and talked about and studied and faced. We can't just put our heads in the sand and pretend that whites are not privileged in this country because we elected Obama. We all wish that were true, but it is not.

    The effects of slavery and Jim Crow are still with us. The civil war is only 4 generations from my mother...

    I trace my ancestors back to the time of slavery and they were farmers (some of them with slaves), sliversmiths, ranchers, doctors, and lawyers. I still have family heirlooms from these people in my home right now. Pieces of silver, a table, photographs... All of these people owned homes and other property that they passed down to their children, giving their children a huge advantage over the children of slaves. Four generations later, those advantages of having been free and white in the 1800's are still being passed down to the next generation, as my children inherit the property and privilege that comes with being white in this country. Certainly, some white people have left nothing to their children, and some white children have squandered the inheritence that they did get...But they STILL have white privilege (like a better chance of getting a job) because of who their family was 4 generations ago...because of the color of their skin.

    And the same is true of the discrimination and poverty that has been handed down in the four generations since slavery. Certainly, many black families have been able to create wealth and aquire property and attain education....but they STILL carry their 'not privileged' status them, and have a disadvantage when looking for jobs and housing because of who their families were 4 generations ago...because of the color of their skin.

    None of us can pretend these things are not true.

    All of us should be working to end white privilege, because as long as it exists, we are all not treated equal in this country. Our skin color should not have anything to do with our chances of getting a job.

    We have a ways to go.

    The disease is NOT cured.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Just watching pre-election footage for the presidency shows a larger, (than I thought), group of Amercians just can't allow equal rights for blacks. I was so amazed at the anti back hatred diplayed. It was sick.

    I grew up in a white middle class area. However I hung out in the ghetto becasue I coudn't stand what my friends parents would act like to me. This was in the 70's, so the parents were products of the 40-50's. What I couldn't stand was once the parents realized I'm Latino, it was a different world.

    And it's not always in your face. But the message was loud and clear.

    There's always going to be that fear that immigrants are stealing all the jobs. Although when my white friends say this, I ask who, and what. Who do u personally know that lost their jib to an immigrant, but most importantly, what job is the iimigrant taking that a caucasion would rather have. I didn't see any of my friends picking fruit. Bottom line is outsiders aren't really welcome. Although every person other than a native American in this country is an outsider

  • Unlearn

    Yea, I never get that.
    Jewish people continually scream 'never forget' about the Holocaust (which they SHOULD: they are absolutely right), and no one says a WORD to them...
    yet, black folks are repeatedly pressed by some to 'forget the past' and 'let it go'.

    People talk about thecivil rights movement like it was ancient history, sometimes. In fact, it was one generation ago: people who wrought it still walk this planet.
    No, t's going to take a LOT longer to forget. The nerve of some to tell a race of people who were on the short end of the stick like that to 'get over it and move on'. It's a subtle form of more 'control'.

    'OKAY FOLKS, you've had enough time to grieve over what we/they did to you. Now, we officially pronounce ALL DEBTS PAID. Get back to normal.'

  • mrsjones5


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