May 15th WT - Wives Should be Obedient, Submissive & Not Disagree

by flipper 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch

    Of what use is a single working mother to the tower? None. They will lose her and her children. A financial loss needs to be plugged. That is why they are putting this out there. Why they always have. They know that an unhappy family, even a violent one is better than divorce. That would cost them money. They have it down to an art dont they?

    This has nothing to do with bible principals, and everything to do with the bottom line. Money.


  • flipper

    O.K. I'm back after working my a$$ off all last night. Jesus. Had to take a nap and become a " normal " human again this afternoon ! I'll finish relpying to pg. 3 then will catch pg. 4 responders after. Thanks again for all your takes. Each take is important for us to all learn and feed off each other.

    RAY PUBLISHER- You are funny ! So you like your woman " submitting " to you do you ? LOL ! What's HER take on that ? I know you were joking !

    LISTENER- Well thanks. I feel everybody's take and opinion is important as many of us were NOT allowed to have our own take and opinion inside the Jehovah's Witness cult. We were told what to think, say, or do. So freedom of speech is important - for everybody.

    JRK- Very good point you make . The GB trashed the Rolling Stones in their publications - yet they agree with the sentiments of their song " Under My Thumb " in keeping women subservient. Pretty ironic for sure ! As you and I both know the WT society is always the first to criticize other religions or organizations for doing things that they themselves do . Like tolerating child abusers for instance. Ridiculous.

    INSEARCHOFTRUTH- Thanks, I appreciate it. I just try to show the same respect that I'm given by lots of you great folks here on the board. Everybody deserves to be heard and have an opinion. We were all TOLD what our opinions would be in the JW cult . So freedom of speech is important to me and letting others have theirs.

    I do hope your wife reconsiders and does NOT go back to the JW cult. She will be treated as subservient and as an underling by the elders because as you mentioned the WT society and Jehovah's Witnesses ARE indeed a patriarchal cult ! No doubt. It's a good old boys club where the men come first, then women and children last , if at all. I agree with you- I think this article shows the GB hasn't changed it's oppressive views towards women at all. Good to see you posting again ! Take care

  • flipper

    LITTLE WITCH- Very astute observation on your part. Good take. Indeed a single mother and her children are NOT important to the WT society as it is all about money. What financial gain will the WT society get out of a single mother ? Not much, if any. If they can keep JW families together it's more profitable to their bottom line - keeping the WT society financially slovent and buoyant

  • mama1119

    My husband would laugh his socks off if acted like the article suggests!! I don't think, even if I had married a dubber, that I could have ever followed those rules. I don't know how many times my husband acts like a jerk wad and I have to show him the error of his ways (I , of course, am never wrong, Especially when I am 6 months pregnant!). But just because you are a dude, doesn't make you smarter than your wife. I can't believe that any wive nowdays would fall for this stuff.

  • flipper

    MAMA 1119- I agree with you. I mean, this information is so archaic and old fashioned it's as if the WT society wants women to basically be slaves to their husbands. Essentially THAT is the position JW women hold in the home life. A slave who is a " helper " to her husband just like Eve was to Adam. According to the WT anyway. Pretty twisted and sick stuff I'd say. I'm glad you stand up for yourself Mama , good for you ! And many good wishes to you on a successful full term pregnancy and healthy , happy delivery of your upcoming newborn ! Take care

  • insearchoftruth

    What amazes me is the patriarchal structure even carries to an "unbelieving" husband!

  • flipper

    INSEARCHTRUTH- It is amazing that the patriarchal expectations by the WT society DO extend to the non-witness husbands. Hopefully non-witness husbands see it as the BS that it is

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this up if any wanted to comment on it. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    The article goes on to say how a JW wife will rejoice and be joyful in supporting her husband as an elder and be happy for him for the alleged " sacrifice " he makes serving the congregation. Then a final point which grates on me is this quote, " Being exemplary in a supportive role may be a challenge for a wife when her husband makes a decision she DISAGREES with . Even then, she manifests a " QUIET and mild spirit " and cooperates with him to make his decision work. " O.K. This is once again a twisted errant thinking. Newsflash to any JW wife - What if you disagree with your husband because he's being a idiot making DANGEROUS and HURTFUL decisions which could put your family and yourself in danger ?? Are you STILL going to support him though he's guiding you and your kids into quicksand financially, emotionally, or physically from abuse ? All I can say is I hope there are JW women standing up to this controlling pile of cowdung information and saying " Enough is enough ! "

    @ FLIPPER - Kudos!!!! Thank you soooo juch!!!! I did this. Let my husband and the other elders run my ass into the ground!!!!!!!!!!! I woke up and it hell for them to pay. I got tired if being told, 'you don't want to usurp your husband, pray for him, you won't have Jehovah's holy spirit should you question your husband, and so on and so forth.'

    My husband (elder) and his many elader/MS friends are drunkards, the BIGGEST ADULTERERS, liars, partiers, and so on and so forth. But, I was told to let Jehovah take control and he would discipline them. Well, my marriage is over.....due to being the SUPPORTIVE wife.

    I chose intelligence over stupidity!

  • blondie

    Didn't Abigail disagree with her husband Nabal when he made a decision that put their household in jeopardy. The WTS is very selectively when quoting from the Bible.

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