Discussion Topic God's Sudden Personality Change as Seen in the Bible

by charlie brown jr. 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unshackled

    Maybe in the OT God had a bad case of cabin fever which brought out his latent schizophrenia...

  • DanaBug

    Lol! Welcome, fade_away!

    Charlie Brown,

    I think the bible makes a lot more sense if you look at it as the evolution of a group of people and a religion. Throw the god part out, it's just a book written by men of the same ethnicity. Have you read God: A Biography or The Evolution of God? Miles' book is a biography of the character of God in the Tanakh. Wright's book goes back to hunter-gatherer tribes and how monotheistic religions evolved from that. I don't agree with everything in either of those, but there was a lot of fascinating stuff in both of them that was new to me.

  • NomadSoul

    Fade Away, hahaha you just reminded me of this stand up comedian:


    Jesus to God: "You bastard, you knew all along!"


  • NomadSoul


    You would have a point if your interpretation was correct, heck even if the Bible was correct. My opinion of Revelation are in the words and images portrayed there. End of story.

  • thetrueone

    Since the god of the Israelites was created by them for them, Jesus ( the Son ) was also created out of necessity, for them by them.

    Their first god was so much about vengeance, murder, protection of their tribe

    A kinder gentler god was created with their own human qualities, concerns and compassions .

    To some people he still is today

    Simple deduction.

  • transhuman68

    The Bible records the classic rags-to-riches story of a demi-god called Yahweh from Mount Sinai who made the big-time to come out a winner as the Alpha & Omega of Revelation. It's been a steep learning curve for him, though.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Uhm, I don't know if you read your Bible but it's still the same God. The only thing that changed was who he wasn't going to destroy. First it was the Jews he was going to save but they were such a sinning bunch that he rejected them and chose to not destroy the followers of Christ.

    The only way that he's become a loving God to YOU is because he doesn't want to destroy YOU as you believe/feel you are a follower of Christ (a Christian). The Christian God is still a vengeful God to Muslims (and others) just like the Muslim God (Allah) is a vengeful God to Christians (and others). It's a misplaced sense of gratefulness and loyalty that makes you proclaim he's become loving.

    The only thing Christ changed is how WE should view others. Christ basically opened up the Jewish God to the world if the people in the world so choose and that's why his followers can't condemn others - there is no outside appearance that earthlings can see which distinguishes them so we should accept all and hope they accept the Christian God.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    my belief is the bible as a whole is jewish mythology and history mixed together.

    the vengeful jehovah was good for the tribal jews/isrealites. after their captivity and intro to greek philosophy led them to soften up their god into a moreacceptable diety.

  • tec
    First it was the Jews he was going to save but they were such a sinning bunch that he rejected them and chose to not destroy the followers of Christ.

    God never rejected the Jews. And Christians are a sinning bunch too.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    God is not God but a shifting concept. Kill! Kill! Kill! Rape! Rape! Rape! PLague! Plague!. John 3-16- For God so loved the world that He gave his only beggoten son so that whosoever believes might have eternal life.

    The shift can't be explained by shcizophrenia. In fact, I wonder if we are even discussing the same entity. Probably not. Thank God, God becomes more human in the good sense as time moves on. Abraham and Isaac - how can anyone worship that demonic fiend? Yet I said it made sense as a child. No way.

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