Atheists believe in nonsense too.

by NomadSoul 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I'm glad someone is feeling better enough to liven this place up.

  • NomadSoul

    Since I can't deny... or respond knowledgeably or intelligently to the commenter's statements... I've nothing left but to throw out a 'straw man' argument and attack her personally, which, if I would allow myself to at least be truthful... is meaningless as well as ridiculous.

    NomadSoul the Anti-Christ.

  • AGuest

    MUAH, Jer ... and right back at'cha - ! Glad to see YOU still here, too!

    Peace, my brutha!

    A slave of Christ,


  • PublishingCult

    One mustn’t confuse imagination with fantasy.

    Christianity has a lovely history of annihilating races in God's name

    "Not that I advocate "christianity", dear PC (peace to you!), but surely such history is not limited to "christianity" - MAN has a history of annihilating man... including entire races... and for many reasons. While it is often most prominent, "in God's name" is only one such reason (and note, please, other religions do so in "God's name", as well). That reason, however, is just an EXCUSE man uses to justify his heinous actions to those who buy it (the excuse). And many do, unfortunately."

    No, of course I do not limit such atrocities to Christianity, but as I said, one seems to need God in their life for these things to occur.

    We never read how the atheists went on an ethnic cleansing campaign.

    "In recent history, no. But you unilaterally rule out tribal conquests, even barbarianism. You forget about the conquests of the moguls, etc. And for some reason you limit such cleansing to "christianity." Not that I support "christianity" in any way, but a whole lot of recent "ethnic cleansing" has been done by one of the "other" three largest religions in the world today. Religion had has a GREAT influence on the destruction of man - absolutely NO doubt about it. But atheism is not without its share. China killed female infants at one time; the former USSR played a role, as well."

    What tribes and barbarians were without the veneration of deities? In the cases where atheistic governments lead the charge in the annihilation of race and nations, we are not looking at true atheists, but men boldly usurping the role of the gods and fanatically demanding worship directly. Like bully’s they shove aside the middlemen of religion with one palm held out and turned up, the other grasping and aiming the very big gun of coercion. In any of these instances, we have the worship of either invisible gods or men as gods, the gods of nationalism. A true atheist does not hold a gun to your head asking you to see things their way. True atheists have no factions. They do not wish to dominate. They only wish to loosen the shackles of oppression imposed by religion and the belief in a deity.

    Eliminating God from the equation is precisely the first step in liberating the mind. Take away God, and take away the Statist mentality, and the masses begin to question, reason, become rational, and withdraw their consent to war. But bringing the people to lucid and rational thought devoid of the need/demand to appease God and Country is a fabulous first step to having the ability to say no to war and coercion.

    PC, Nobody’s Damn Slave
  • AGuest

    PC, Nobody’s Damn Slave

    Yeah, right (again, peace to you!). Have had THAT discussion on this board numerous times. Everyone is a slave... to something or somebody. Everyone. Again, I don't advocate religion, "christian" or otherwise. But I don't think you can unilaterally rule out atheists. And to throw in that "not looking at true atheists" is interesting. Because I very often say the SAME thing about so-called "christians"; yet, atheists are unwilling to grant the same concession.

    Which is my point, dear one: apparently what IS good for the goose... is NOT good for the gander... as to atheists. And THAT is where most of my disagreement comes in. Like "christians" and others... you wish to have it both ways. Hypocrisy.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ (since we are all slaves of something/someone, but admittedly I CHOSE who/what I serve),


  • tec
    A true atheist does not hold a gun to your head asking you to see things their way. True atheists have no factions. They do not wish to dominate. They only wish to loosen the shackles of oppression imposed by religion and the belief in a deity.

    True atheists... true christians... yada yada yada... ;)

    Out of curiosity, do you recognize a distinction between a true christian and a false christian? Because all the things you tend to blame on Christianity, I would tell you weren't done by TRUE christians. Do you accept that, or just throw the whole lot out?


  • NomadSoul

    Well it would be nice if we dominated the world. Maybe we can spark more interest in fields like Astronomy and Physics. I would like to get more brilliant christians on our side and help the collective to build the next big thing. But as far as using force I don't agree it should be done that way.

    That's not to say that there are no Christians in those fields, but if more people were atheist the more they would encourage their childer in that path. Who knows, it might not be a difference. Humans are unpredictable sometimes.

  • james_woods
    The only conclusion I draw is that a good majority of Atheists are good people, I have met many, and never abad one yet.

    I suppose you are excluding Josef Stalin, Chairman Mao, and Pol Pot from the good athiests.

  • PublishingCult

    To james_woods, tec and aguest. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, but life you know! I'm expecting a baby to arrive in the family soon and I've been making a quilt.

    Now, about this business regarding the apalling reversal of atrocities.

    If you are going to point to the appalling reversals, we simply must make the truest of distinctions, and not use such rare reversals as an excuse or distraction. I would confirm that Nazi belt buckles, for example, inscribed with “Gott mit uns” isn’t proof that Nazi’s were Christians.

    There must be a difference between an atheist who does commit atrocities and one who doesn't, and since that difference is not a lack of belief in God, the difference must be in their positive beliefs or their values, irrespective of their shared disbelief in God. And if belief in God does not cause people to not commit atrocities, then a lack of belief in God couldn't be said to be the cause of someone committing them.

    There is nothing about atheism that would provide a causal link between atheism and any action. There is a screaming arm-waving direct causal link between religion and action.

    The bottom line is very simple. Individual atheists may do evil things but they don't do evil things in the name of atheism. Christians and Christianity, on the other hand, have a much larger and longer history of doing evil things, and have done them all MAINLY and MOSTLY in the name of Christianity and God.

    What matters is not whether Stalin, Hitler, Chairman Mao, and Pol Pot were atheists, but whether atheism systematically influences people to do bad things. There is not the smallest evidence that it does.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Yeah but at the end of the day, you're willing to concede that you just don't know. It's exhausting to feel the need to vehemently defend beliefs based on faith in the face of scientific fact and being freed of that has been the best form of liberty - at least in my case

    You arent admitting you dont are saying you are right based on scientific fact.

    Well I would question your fact. Just put a bunch of scientists together and see how much they agree with each other. They all present their own version of FACT. They may occasionally agree on some things but you still won't get 100% agreement.

    So to me this is just as much an act of faith...which scientist do you want to believe? Which ones do you want to put your faith in?

    At least NomadSoul chooses his beliefs but doesn't claim that they are based on any facts.

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