Does God speak to you? HOW?

by Quentin 189 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sooner7nc

    Thanks Tammy.

  • Quentin

    I see several posted before I made mine. Nomad, proper questions to ask. Here is my answer. God exist. Satan is an abstract construct ( there will be those who will say God is the same ) there is no Satan, there is much evil in the world.

    Charlie Brown God has become a conudrurm for you. I assume you have those feelings afteer leaving the wt. Easy thing to happen.

    Jam. That is a hard thing to answer. With no easy cheesy solutions. Horrible vile things go on around us. Why? I don't know, except to say perhaps WE don't put forth enough to correct the unjust evil that exist.

  • Quentin

    Can-Tex, yeah, tryed to get a job there once. They didn't want me.

  • tec

    This isn't quite the same because this is more about physical things for me, rather than spiritual... but I should add also through science. That might seem odd to some, but the more science explains the how of things, the more I understand God and His creation. Not new theories, mind you. I'm skeptical of those. But observed and long term theories, and proofs. I feel like I can understand a little bit about how God created the universe, and life, when I learn of those. I find it humbling.


  • AFreeSpirit

    I believe that the universe, or a higher power, or God if prefer, speaks to me through coincidences which occur arround me. I get these little "winks" every once in a while and they are comforting to me. They remind me that I am not alone... that there is a force greater than me which is wise and compassionate and watches over me.

  • Terry

    God interrupts me when I'm speaking.

    At first, I let it pass. But, gradually it annoyed me to the point I thought I had to say something.

    "Would you mind not interrupting me?" I asked in prayer with my best manners and deference.

    And, rather miraculously (if I may use that word in this context) it stopped.

    Yes, It all stopped!

    I can only imagine...I have nothing else to go on but my imagination...I think I either ticked God off or angered Him!

    From that point forward: nothing. Zero. Silence.

    Went on for years and years.

    I finally gave up. Screw it. BE like that, I thought.

    Then, I received a lovely giftcard in the mail most unexpectantly. It was from heaven!

    I didn't know they had postal service. Seriously!

    The envelope was gorgeous and the expensive stationary was to die for!

    The card began: "I miss interrupting you. Hugs, GOD."


    How could I hold a grudge? I forgave Him.

    We more or less took up where we left off.

    I speak and He----------(huh? Not now!)

  • tec


  • lovelylil

    God speaks to all believers by way of his Holy Spirit, which is his influencing power helping us to transform our hearts and minds, bringing them in line with God's ways and molding us daily into the likeness of Christ. He also speaks to us, thru his Son, thru his word, and thru other believers in him. (Hebrews1:1-3,2corinthians3:18)

    And yes, Satan also speaks to individiuals, although he should have no real inpact on a true believer. Satan speaks by the "air of the spirit" of this world and through the negative influences of our own minds and other people, aiming to seperate us from God. And making people falsly believe there is no God or if there is, He is not concerned with them or their lives. (ephesians2:2,1corinthians2:12)

    Have to go to work now. Hope everyone has a terrific day! Wishing peace to all today, Lilly

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Everytime I feel love, and see love....thats God speaking to me.

  • Quentin

    Tammy in the closing scene of Inherit The Wind Spencery Tracy's charecter picks up Drawin's book and a Bible. Holding one in each hand he moves them up and down as if weighing them. Suddenly he slams them togather and exits the courtroom. You cannot seperat God from science. Science is based on steps of logic. A to B to C....Where do we find God in science?

    This brings us to Terry's post. I've known Terry for years. His comments are dead serious and brings the topic full circle. My question is God speaking to you, how. All of you that have joined in have expressed your answer in two ways, being upfront, honest. Yes he does, giving your reason, no he doesen't, giving your reason.

    Now is Terry mocking, or making a point? What say you? Remember I stated, including myself, that an answer would be subjective. I also asked can it be objective. There is a trem used in philosophy called Fideism: there is no rational way to justify ones beliefs, faith alone is necessary. There is another Correspondence theory of truth: wherein truth is that which corresponds to reality. Please continue.

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