Does God speak to you? HOW?

by Quentin 189 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quentin

    Interesting. So far we're all on the same page. Those are my feelings as well. Consise and well put by the way. by dropping preconceptions of how and about what God speaks, you will realize that God can speak without using words....Good point GL...

  • tec
    Do you feel like Satan talks to you too? Or do you just believe in God's communication?

    I never really thought about it. I'm not listening for him. I could say only in an abstract way, through temptation or whatever... but I'm responsible for that, and for what I do. I don't seek to lay the blame for my actions elsewhere.


  • NomadSoul

    Thanks for your response Tec, here's my next question. Have you ever been completely alone, and in total darkness? Do you ever think about Satan? And if so what are your thoughts and reactions?

  • tec
    Have you ever been completely alone, and in total darkness? Do you ever think about Satan? And if so what are your thoughts and reactions?

    I have, but I often use that time to quiet myself (inside) and to listen for Christ. (or sometimes just daydream, lol) Bad thoughts don't even pop up, if I am doing this. But as for what you are asking specifically, then yes I have been alone in total physical darkness, and yes thoughts of Satan have come up. But I have no real thoughts about him. Only sometimes fear for a few moments, and then I do tell myself to stop thinking about that, or force him from my mind, and am done with it.


  • NomadSoul

    When I used to believe in entities. That was the only time I thought about Satan. I was willing to believe that God talked to me all the time through similar things that has been posted. But rarely did I think about Satan, except for those times that I saw a scary movie and I was alone in the dark. Just wanted to see if any of you had similar situations.

    Because then if many have the same situation, have you ever asked yourself about Satan's communication skills? For a guy that was able to make human sin, he sure doesn't have a good public relations deparment.

  • jam

    At a time in my life, yes I beleive he spoke to me. But

    now , no. Tonite watching 60min on gospel music teens

    in Harlem. You see these young people and you look into

    their eyes and were they come from and the hardship they face. All

    around the world you can see the same in young kids.

    You have A lady like Miss V. Higgens step up to the plate,

    and give so much to those young people. Can one say ,

    from Miss Higgens God is speaking to them or Miss Higgens

    is performing humanitarian act. I can not see it, Gods speaks

    to some in the beauty around us, or in the face of A child.

    When I see the face of A child with A swollen stomach from

    the like of food, it tells me God is not speaking to anyone.

  • sooner7nc

    I'm going to echo part of Syl's comment but I have to say that when my child was born I saw God. My wife's pregnancy was a rough one, as a matter of fact the pregnancy is why she just got her kidney transplant. She got preeclampsyia (think it's spelled right) and spent 29 days in the hospital. I was working night-shift in a plastic pipe factory (Can-Tex, you know about that one huh Quentin?) and needless to say it was roughgoing there for a while.

    Well, the day they finally decided to do the C-Section was frightening because I didn't know for sure that his lungs would be developed. The Doc had shown quite a bit of concern about that and so we were worried with good reason.

    Well, long story short, I'm sitting in the surgery room gowned out and scared as hell. When I finally saw the Dr. lift my child up and he started crying LOUDLY I saw the face of God. It was so beautiful.

    By the way, the boy hasn't shut up since and it's been 11 years. I still see God when I look at him.

  • tec

    Interesting, Nomad. I've thought about what you wondered (communication skills). I just don't know how hard he has to work... he planted his seeds and well, we've done the rest on our own.


  • tec

    Sooner, I thought what you had to say was beautiful. Even teared up a bit :)


  • sabastious

    I feel God communicates with me whenever I have a craving to learn something new and especially during the process to become well versed in it. My thirst for progress and understanding, to me, has to be connected to what caused me. Even if that cause was an inanimate object trillions of miles away. I would still have a reverence in it's presense just because of what it caused to be.


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