Is this not an easy question?

by the pharmer 137 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dgp

    Pharmer, a worldly here. Let's call a spade a spade (and if Spade adds a post of his, you will meet another active apologist of the Watchtower on this site, besides DJEggnog). Your question is very easy for someone who's not indoctrinated. It reads to me as "If I read that 2 + 2 = 4, and the Watchtower says it's 5, who should I believe, logic or the Watchtower?" The answer CANNOT be "logic", because then you're not tied to anything the Watchtower says. The answer CANNOT be "the Watchtower", either, because then you would see what the organization really is, and that shouldn't happen. Your friend may be trying to indoctrinate you and he doesn't want to say something that would scare you away.

    The long answers by DJ Eggnog are indicative of how difficult answering this question really is, and that is because the RIGHT answer is the "wrong" answer in the Watchtower world.

    Have you heard the joke about the engineer, the doctor, and the accountant who were asked "a simple question": 2 + 2 = ?

    The engineer: "With reasonable accuracy and exactness, I am confident to say that the answer is a number between 4.01 and 3.99".

    The doctor: "nothing is ever exact in the natural sciences, but the answer should generally be 4"

    The accountant (speaking in a low voice, and with a smile on his face): "How much do you want it to be?"

    Can you guess what the answer would be if asked from an active witness?

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    Thanks dgp. Definitely some points to consider.

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    Thanks dgp. Definitely some points to consider.

    (oops, sorry for the duplicate)

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer


    Show me how these two conflicting statements of yours can be reconciled.

    If you were to read a passage of Scripture and were to draw a conclusion that is a different from the one reached by Jehovah's Witnesses, this would not necessarily mean that your conclusion was incorrect.

    If you were to read a passage of scripture and conclude about it something that opposes my view as one of Jehovah's Witnesses as to the meaning of this same passage, in my mind you have a mistaken view that needs to be adjusted to the Scriptures.

    These are your words, djeggnog, not mine. This isn't a matter of opinion; it is fact. It is disingenuous of you to walk away from this in this manner -- suggesting that I ask someone else to clear it up.

    If these two statements of yours don'tconflict in your mind, I am confident you have the ability to show me just how and why they don't. All I ask is that you stay on task -- don't hand me a suppository and expect me to swallow it.


  • dgp

    Pharmer, I have a way to reconcile those statements! YEAH! But I will wait for Eggnog to speak. Those are his words after all.

  • Pika_Chu

    Pika-chu--- that isnt the point-the point is you can ask the holy spirit a thousand times what those beast are and you would never come up with the answer-- Jesus appointed the fds to give spiritual food at the proper time-

    But where does the "faithful slave" get it's information from? It's the Holy spirit isn't it? So if I ask the holy spirit a question, I should get a correct answer. What kind of God wants people to know the truth so bad and then makes it so difficult to interpret that only a few men can? What kind of God plays these games with us? If I want someone to be my friend, I don't get all secretive and require interpreters. What would be the point of God leaving us with "His word" if we can't understand it in plain terms? If your God wants people to understand him and be his friend, he should find more efficient (and intelligent) means of communicating with humanity than whispering into the ears of the GB members. Oh wait, he doens't even give THAT much disclosure...

    And he also called them his brothers and said of these-- persay--whatever you do to the least of these my brothers-you do to me-- So in reality if the JW leaders are in fact the faithful slave--

    The key word here is "if," sir. You can't just make judgements based on assumptions.

    all you who condemn them actually condemn Jesus- or call them liars you call Jesus a liar he said to that effect. Its just like in Jesus day-the false religious teachers called his religion a sect ( cult ) because they didnt learn in the school of men, the holy spirit teaches the fds.\

    Where in the Bible does it say the leaders called his religion a cult? And where does it say the fds is guided by holy spirit? And why assume the slave parable is even a prophecy? What leads you to such a conclusion? Especially seeing as how Jesus wasn't talking in the future tense, and there was no mention that this was a sign? Please cite your scriptures.

  • dgp

    Since Mr. DjEggnog is yet to reply, I am adding my version of how the two statements can be reconciled and both be true.

    If you were to read a passage of Scripture and were to draw a conclusion that is a different from the one reached by Jehovah's Witnesses, this would not necessarily mean that your conclusion was incorrect.

    If you were to read a passage of scripture and conclude about it something that opposes my view as one of Jehovah's Witnesses as to the meaning of this same passage, in my mind you have a mistaken view that needs to be adjusted to the Scriptures.

    Easy-peasy. The conclusion that is different from the one "reached by Jehovah's witnesses" is correct. The opinion opinion of the Watchtower is wrong. The opinion of the Watchtower is not the same as the scriptures. Pharmer's mistake would not exist in reality, only in DJEggnog's mind.

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    Thanks dgp.

    So essentially, you're saying his contradictory statements would read as the following single explanation:

    If you were to read a passage of scripture and conclude about it something that opposes my view as one of JWs as to the meaning of this same passage, in reality you could have the correct view, but in my mind you have a mistaken view...

  • dgp


  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    I wonder if djeggnog (or anyone else for that matter) could actually reconcile this conflict completely within the realm of reality.

    I have to admit, dgp, the weight of the evidence is in your favor.

    Thanks for you input!

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