you have become the thing you hated.

by TheJigsUp 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Anyway, what I took away from the OP's post was this:

    If we are acting in the same way as those we hate, then we have become the thing we hated. (or we have not escaped it as much as we thought... yet)

    We have the choice to be or do or say whatever we want, absolutely. (depending on the freedom of speech laws in your country, and not all the laws are the same... they vary even between the US and Canada, regarding hate speech) But we should take a look at ourselves, and examine whether or not our behavior is better than those we 'hate'. Because it doesn't always seem that it is.


  • wobble

    I think we more often than not we have a fairly reasonable debate on here, of course that all goes tits-up when I come on here and I am pissed as a fart, but that is only most days.

    The problem arises when people say something dear to their heart , which is plainly silly and/or false.

    It will get jumped on, then they react by attacking the person who has shown their thinking up for what it is, faulty.

    At that point it ceases to be debate. The person with the faulty argument ("Evolution is just a theory", for instance) should have the grace to stand corrected, and the person who is attacked for pointing out faulty reasoning should have the grace to simply say "Atttack my argument, not me ".

    That way , we will all be full of Grace. Granny would approve.


    Actually Mrs Jones Sarcasm is the second lowest form of wit.....Lou bou to

    Apparently you don't know that the second half of the quote attributed to Oscar
    Wilde goes on to say "but the highest form of intelligence."

    People who don`t Understand Sarcasim..Are prone to Dementia later in life..

    It`s now considered a Red Flag in Diagnosis..

    It`s better to be Demented..


    Suffer from Dementia..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • mrsjones5

    Yes, there's no shame in being gracious.

  • Twitch

    Interesting OP with good intentions/motives. Ideally we should all have a lil more humility and understanding. However, I for one think the clash of ideas and personalities is a good thing. One must first find the limits before one respects them. And some will find neither. But there's a lil soapbox under your viewpoint methinks. S'alright by me; it's a discussion forum and I understand where u are more than u know.

  • Twitch

    double post

    Yes, there's no shame in being gracious....Josie

    It Depends how your Dressed..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • mrsjones5

    Outlaw you're such a nut! lol

  • sooner7nc

    Where did you get that pic of me OUTLAW? I'm contacting my lawyer.

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Apparently you don't know that the second half of the quote attributed to Oscar Wilde goes on to say "but the highest form of intelligence."

    I was trying to set you up Mrs Jones expecting the question " Well what is the lowest " To which I would reply "You are" But you didn't fall for it Good for you though Obviously not an uneducated witness anymore

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