you have become the thing you hated.

by TheJigsUp 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheJigsUp

    hahaha i dont care nomad.. do and say what you like.. i dont care..

    really i lolled.

    dont feel threatened, that aint my mojo.

    hehe, oh sorry, how should i bite?

  • CoonDawg

    I think it's important to remember that, though you acknowledge that you are aware of how much you don't know - you still keep asking those great human questions. That's part of what makes us who we are - to not just accept things as they are, but to question the status quo. Some are tactful in their arguments while some are blunt. Devolving into personal attacks is where I draw the line because that's no longer an interchange of ideas, it's the resort of someone who has no valid argument, but refuses to concede a point that he or she is emotionally invested in.

  • caliber

    It is to our advantage to understand that subtle word difference and attitude difference is of great value to all concerned.

    Case in point ...Aggression: = The act of initiating hostilities or invasion; The practice or habit of launching attacks; Hostile or destructive behaviour or actions.

    Assertion: = The act of asserting; Inclined to bold or confident assertion.

    I'm sure most of us have been in a situation where we wanted to say something but didn't want to cause an argument or alternatively, said something in anger, which you later regretted.

    There is a difference between being assertive and being aggressive. Aggression usually results from too much negative emotion and is a hostile attack usually against someone else.

    Assertion is about being confident in standing up for yourself and your beliefs while maintaining respect for others.

  • NomadSoul

    And which one one of those does freedom of speech cover?

  • TheJigsUp

    yes coondawg, we got to talk about these things. our best basis, pretty much, from learning is from one an other.

    we cant do this if we try to place our views, or even if we present our supposed views as fact. we are all in the same boat.

    we're all looking for some answers. unless of course we think we already have answers.

    then we arent open to answers if we think we're right.

    we close our minds.

    but this existence that we inhabit is astounding. we got all sorts of shit going on.

    and i expect to be pulled up on using the word shit to exhibit the complexities of all this.

    and forgive me, but i'll go so far as to say

    you're all a bunch of eegits if you give little credence to all of this.

    whatever way you want to look at it.

    but lets not WASTE.. yep WASTE our thought processes on arguing.

    or even being the thing that once held us in derision.

    we have the opportunity to step forward from our psycological binds.

    rather than fall back and resort to the same old shit.

    same shit... different arse.

  • NomadSoul

    hahaha i dont care nomad.. do and say what you like.. i dont care..

    really i lolled.

    dont feel threatened, that aint my mojo.

    hehe, oh sorry, how should i bite?

    Yes I'm free! Sorry but I'm not too fond of biting.

  • caliber

    Exercise of freedom of speech is good... but "absolute freedom "lacks consideration for the feelings of others ...

    however the choice is still yours !!!

  • Scooby-Doo

    Hey, TheJigsUp!

    Good post, i completely agree with you.

    I know i'll never know whether or not i was created by a divine being, or if i'm the result of some pretty impressive evolution... so i'm not going to bother making a big deal out of it. I'm just going to treat people the way i want to be treated and let them have their beliefs.

  • NomadSoul

    Yes Caliber! It is my choice! I love this country! I can express myself without getting killed! Well unless of course I piss one of you to the point where you do find me and kill me. LOL But for now, I have the freedom to say:


  • NomadSoul

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