you have become the thing you hated.

by TheJigsUp 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheJigsUp

    and nomad i'm not attacking freedom of speech, tho i personally think you are just a troll..

    really i do.

    do you not see what it is im saying?

    that im saying that the forceful arguments hold no constructive value

    dont you see that im trying to encourage NON arguments?

    i think you do..

    but you do your job.

    you can try to encourage an argument from this thread, undermining the point of it all.

    and maybe one or two will help continue your banter.

    intentional or not. why?

    on a personal level to you, why?

    again, say what you like, i'll disregard this thread before you do.

    so curiously, these few words of 'whats the point in arguing'

    will take you a good few posts to undo while i take a piss and smoke a cigarette,

    all the time respecting your point that you didnt really make in trying to create a

    conflicting argument from this.

    i dont care.. this thread is yours.

    im only curious now how long you can make this menial point into a lengthy argument..

    im drunk, i said my piece, im done...

    you dont like it? thats cool..

    i wonder how many posts are needed to undo a peace provoking post.

  • MrFreeze

    I try to respect others opinions, no matter how much I disagree. It's not my job to persuade you. Everyone must walk their own path. I'm here to walk mine. If you don't like that, then smooch my behind.

  • NomadSoul

    Make up your mind! So are you against people using put downs but in another breath you call me a troll trying to put me down?

    Have another beer on me!

  • TheJigsUp

    haha, very good. very good.

    your skirt is too short

    how you like that?!

    is that called an ad homanim or something or other.. :)


  • transhuman68

    This thread is really lame.

  • TheJigsUp

    fair enough,


    continue your arguing.

    see what you achieve.

    everyone loses.

  • nicolaou

    i saw you judging your fellow posters as if you knew something, but truth be told none of us do.

    Bullshit. We know an awful lot about mathematics, biology, physics, cosmology and more. Of course, there's a whole heap of stuff we don't know but to say that none of us know anything?! Well as I said, bullshit.

    quantum physics is still theoretical...

    It's a massive field of research and it's very, very weird but it isn't ALL unproven

    evolution is also theoretical...

    Bullshit. Evolution is proven beyond doubt. There is more evidence for evolution than any rational, reasonable person requires. It's a fact.

    and truly creationism is nothing but theoretical.

    Bullshit. Creationism has been disproven beyond doubt. There is more evidence against creationism than any rational, reasonable person requires.

    these truly are not things any of you UNDERSTAND.

    Bullshit. You don't even know me you arrogant little dick, don't presume to tell me what I do or don't understand.

    are also trying to inflict your beliefs on others with bullying tactics and nastiness.

    pot? kettle?

    the truth as i see it? we know nothing. . . . YOU DO NOT. neither do i.

    If you want to call yourself ignorant I won't argue with you but don't label everyone else the same way - it's just not nice man.

    and im sick of reading this shit.

    Shit? You posted an awful lot of that yourself. I hope you keep posting reading and learning,

    Good luck with your journey . . . .

  • TheJigsUp

    see, this site seems to be a bit of bully boy all over.

    its a pack mentality.

    1, 2, 3... hello nicolau.

    arrogant liitle dick you call me.

    wow. thats harsh. i am a person with feelings and thoughts. that was rather rough.

    i think you helped make my point.

    i wonder if you would use those terms if we were in the same room.... such is the wonder of the internet.

    maybe you would, most wouldnt. just in general, most wouldnt be so rude.

    i certainly wouldnt call you names here or in the real world.

    and i feel this underlines what i feel ive been reading lately.

    you must congratulate yourself on your anonymous bravery and outspokeness.

    i'll pm you my adress if you would like to visit me and express your disgust.

    perhaps we could arrange a meet. then you could call me names.

    im in the uk also.

    even in the guise of sharing words on a forum, we are people.

    pop down to southend and we could discuss matters further.

    and this is my point.

    there is a great deal of disrespect for individuals and their views on a site that is meant to be

    a meeting place for freedom of thoughts from an opressive religion.

    shame on YOU.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    TheJigsUp . . . Respectfully,

    You started your thread saying . . . i saw you judging your fellow posters as if you knew something

    You then went on to say . . .

    these truly are not things any of you UNDERSTAND.

    you are all a bunch of beginners

    you know and understand very litle of the mathematics that make up our surroundings.

    you are worse than that which you came from.

    you're all a bunch of eegits if you give little credence to all of this.

    Sounds like your judging your fellow posters to me . . .

    You also said . . . you have irritated me in reading your put downs upon each other

    Then you went on to say to other posters . . .

    three syllables... nice one sooner.

    hahaha i dont care nomad.. do and say what you like.. i dont care..

    and nomad i'm not attacking freedom of speech, tho i personally think you are just a troll..

    They sound like put downs to me . . .

    Then you went on to say . . . some of you are only here to genuinely to create arguments

    im drunk, i said my piece, im done...

    you dont like it? thats cool..

    and im sick of reading this shit.

    Seems like all you've managed to do is create an argument to me

    Then you went on to say . . . i wonder how many posts are needed to undo a peace provoking post.

    Just one . . . the first one . . . it seems to me.

    Unfortunately you have undone your purpose (which was laudible) by falling into the exact same trap you accuse EVERYBODY else of in my humble opinion . . .

    Perhaps you should wait until your sober before your post . . . lest you "become the thing you hate" . . . just a thought.

    Luvonyall - MS

  • TheJigsUp

    truth is murray, we all know nothing.

    we ARE ALL beginners

    ask an old man who will no doubt state that he is only beginning to understand and now his time is up.

    even mathematical geniuses are scratching the surface, ask em i reckon they'll tell you so.

    when you come from such a place and you try to inflict then you become what you once were again in a different guise..

    im not talking about the fact that things are false. im talking about the proposing theories as fact, which is what the wtbs does... theories... lies... old light new light... same old same old... science religion two sides to a coin in some senses.

    to give credence to scientific theories that may be old light as time goes on.. as has been the case is the same old same old... just a different language is all.

    yeh. its tiresome reading the arguments based on congesture on both parts. and people being so unpleasant about it. some say, 'youre going to hell' others say ' youre an idiot youre going to nothing.

    sooner said nothing. nomad started an argument.

    i dont care for nomads argument.

    yes i am drunk.

    i dont believe it detracts from my point.

    i am not trying to inflict a belief system on you or anyone. the truth is we are very very limited in our understanding yet we talk about theories as FACT. this is not right.

    in fact its the same mentality we escaped from.

    my intention was in NO WAY to create an argument. but i see now that of course it was going to create a discussion of sorts.

    and yes, i am sick of reading this shit...

    i was logging in to read posts that seemed to be interesting discussions but were hijacked by opinionated theoretical arguments. that were

    presented as fact. and rideculed those who thought otherwise. rideculed.

    i havent even given my stance on how i see our existence but ive already been called an arrogant little dick.

    so no... the thing i hate is not looking for answers

    the thing i hate is not open to different ideas

    the thing i hate is...



    NOT open to ideas.

    the thing i hate wishes to PUSH its views on others

    with intolerance.

    with abusive speech.

    with alienation

    with theories

    and bullying tactics.

    so yes.

    what i said was not untrue.

    those here that resort to such are the thing that they despise

    i never came to this forum to argue. i came here to learn.

    about people and their experiences but not to have viewpoints thrown on me just like the mindset i was delivered from.

    and not to be derided for my own beliefs, just like the place i came from.

    and not to be spoken of abusively for how i feel, because i dont share the beliefs


    and in case i spelt something wrong or even lo and behold said something out of turn, my intention is NOT TO BREAK DOWN

    dont pull that wtbs shit on me.

    we have our seperate thoughts and beliefs.. fuckin deal with it. lets not put each other down. and try to inflict.

    and yes, our understanding of everything is incomplete, like mrs jones said, the more you learn....

    seems to me like the more we believe we know everything, the stupider we get..


    so yes while you proclaim all knowingness (probably a made up wtbs word) you are a fool..

    and now we want to continue to place this mindset on others...


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