Are atheists less imaginative about the unknown?

by sabastious 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberjesus

    Blanket Statements and Generalizations my friend.

    You could say that its "your opinion" that the atheists "you know" are less imaginative. you also say they feel frightned by "left field thinking" what the heck does that mean?

    what does atheism (the lack of a belief on a God) has to do with imagination can you tell me? you mean fantasizing? I mean we could be "imaginative" about the monsters that may exist in mars... or we can use our time talking about the findings of humidity on that planet.

    You wanna talk about the demons and be open minded regarding their existance?

    Do all the 6'6" tall people like to make Generalizations all the time? :-)

  • unshackled

    Sounds like a Christian defending his faith!

    Sab, I'll take that as sarcasm. I hope. Personally, I don't like the word atheist or being labelled such. Seems like a waste of time. We don't make up words for other things people don't believe in. What's the word for someone who doesn't believe in fairies?

  • sabastious
    So can ask you what is this ideals you are talking about?

    I want to get into government and try to help it govern better, because I think we have a lot of room to grow in that area. I think, especially right now, that government needs idealists that can also execute.

    A lot of my ideas center around more efficient government.


  • HintOfLime

    Is there value inletting one's imagination run wild with the unknown?

    Is there value in being able to make good predictions about the unknown?

    Take this series of numbers:

    1 2 3 4 ? 6 7 8 9

    ? is unknown. A rational mind is going to look at that series and think "? is most likely 5." There is no gaurentee it is 5 until it is observed, but it's a good guess - one that I would put money on.

    Some religious folk, on the other hand, might look at that and think "We don't know what ? is, therefore ? must be God. Atheists have no imagintation!"

    Personally, every time we humans look under a rock, we just keep finding more of the same: That the universe is bound to natural laws. So when it comes to phenomenon that we don't yet understand, it's a good prediction that in time, we will discover that they too are bound to natural laws.

    Personally, I think the natural world is absolutely amazing. Physics are amazing. Biology is amazing. I don't personally feel the need to make stuff up to make the universe seem more amazing.

    - Lime

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Theists piss me off, especially when they are fucking dumb enough to think that they have some kind of monopoly on imagination. IMAGINATION for christ's fat cocking sake! They have about as much imagination as they do good sex (i.e. none).

  • sabastious
    Do all the 6'6" tall people like to make Generalizations all the time? :-)

    I think generalizing is important and condusive to efficiency. If someone pounds heavily on your door and you look through the keyhole and it's a haggard and dirty old man your guard is going to be up. It might be just some apathedic old man who knocks on doors too loudly, but should that likelihood put your guard down?

    Generalization is also the direct cause of prejeduce and violence, but each has their responsibility to use it as a beneficial tool and not a means for selfishness.


  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    There is a TIME & PLACE for generalisation (to use a biblical phrase) & you sir picked the WRONG time & the WRONG place.

    Now go home.

  • sabastious

    Unshackled you said:

    I think this is a broad generalization. Maybe the people you know specifically, but don't think all atheists can be painted with that brush so easily.

    Just switch the word "atheists" in that statement with "christians" and you wouldn't be able to tell it was an atheist that made the comment. It was just a joke, I meant no disrespect.


  • NomadSoul

    A lot of my ideas center around more efficient government.

    Okay, be more specific about your ideas. I'm trying to understand you man!

  • sabastious
    Okay, be more specific about your ideas. I'm trying to understand you man!

    I'm being vague because I might have to leave this thread soon.

    I don't like my countries party system. I don't like the Democrat vs Republican civil war we have here. The casualties are mostly people's reputations. I guess I want to change the way politics work from a fundamental standpoint.


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