Im new here

by POWER_OF_YOUTH 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    POWER_OF_YOUTH this must be very confusing jumping into this forum and hearing two views, its like the devil is talking to you in one ear and the angel to the other the problem being you dont know which one is which, I suggest to take your time, dont jump to conclusions, you are a wt so you have wt literature covered, do a liberal study from ray franz books, jwfacts website and others.

    This forum initial reads very bitterly but when you understand why it all makes sense. I dont know if it will save your marriage. I cant type for too long time is scarce.

  • jookbeard


    ignore everything DJeggnogg writes in response to your posts he is a stupid troll who neither knows WTF he is talking about and is only here to yank your chain and antagonize.The WTS has a legal department that is very much alive and well, it runs the dangerous cult FFS!DJeggnogg ; PoY may not want to DA what the hell gives you the right to tell the young guy to take this course of action? why dont you f**k off and go and troll on your own threads and leave the young guy to take the far more wiser advice that Moshe and Skeeter gave?


    First off, I do not wish to be DA'd, and I will just side step around the legal stuff since I have no idea how that works lol.

    I would also like to mention that I have no intention of getting married or anything as soon as I turn 18. However, some advice on dating would be nice if you so wish to give it. I was actually wondering a while back, "They say you're not suppose to marry the first girl you meet, but what if by some miracle she turns out to be the one you feel is right?" I guess part of it too that makes things tricky is how you are suppose to know whether you are in love in the first place. You could date 1 person or even 20 and if you didn't fall in love then you are in the same spot as me. At least in that one regard because obviously that person has 20 times more experience with dating than I do.

    I saw someone else mention that me becoming an MS would only make things worse. I saw you also mentioned family life and I assume you probably want to throw in the whole disfellowshipping thing in there too. With that, I had a really close cousin get disfellowshipped. Granted, we didn't treat her like a leper, but we couldn't talk to her as often and that was definitely hard. Still, I think she did need some time to clear her head. Sadly, she eventually ran off to New York (so much for clearing your head) where she lived with her current boyfriend. Eventually, she came back and her mom and her talked things out. Turned out she was being verbally abused, pregnant, and on the brink of.....well breaking down. I guess she was the type of person who needed that "thump on the head" so to speak to come to her senses. And I am not even referring to just coming back to Jehovah, but just in general it taught her that running away with some guy you barely knew is a bad idea. Now truth is, I have no idea how I can handle this. I mean, if someone wants experience and not advice what can you do? I can't promise that I won't "wreck a few homes," but I can safely say that I will treat that person as lovingly as possible and that I will not judge them for their decision or anything. I figure since they respect my decision to do what I want in life, I should do the same.

    Look forward to hearing from you guys soon!

  • palmtree67


    Bethel doesn't have a "legal department," let alone a "Watchtower legal department."

    Pardon me? I guess you havent' met the poster here "Uzzah".

  • nugget

    Welcome. Religion should be uplifting should add to your life not steal from it. Religion should be worthy of the demands placed on you and if it is not then it serves no useful function. You have yet to invest your life and soul take time now so you have no regrets in future.

  • straightshooter

    Welcome to this wonderful forum.

  • Mat

    Hi POY, you are very brave to come here while still in the religion. If your parents find out (I'm assuming they are in the faith) they will report you to the elders and it will be another back room talk, but that's not much really.

    Dating advise- you can disagree with me if you like it's only a suggestion, but don't bother with girls in the religion! You will get tied down and have more complications when you leave, which I'm assuming will only be a matter of time from what you've said. I get the impression you really like this girl you rarely speak to. That's sweet, but does she feel the same way about the religion?

    Sorry to read about your cousin. Terrible experience, and just the kind that fits the JW prejudice about leaving them. As you'll see from this forum and other resources, most people find a happy and fulfilling life without the religion.

    What do you mean when you say:' I can't promise that I won't "wreck a few homes,"' are you planning on eloping with this girl?

    At 17 you must be at College or University? Is there a student Counciler you could talk to about leaving the religion of your upbringing?


    Eloping with her? No lol, and while I did like her my feelings are not solid at all. I talked to her once in real life and the rest of the time was spent long distance. And of course two teenagers can't form anything long lasting based on that. Doesn't even matter now, as I have been put in the "friend zone" =(. But what can you do? It was a nice experience while it lasted, but to form anything long lasting out of it is basically impossible for a variety of reasons. I say this now, but my heart is still pounding despite me just sending her a stupid text lol. It seems like my emotions and logic are fighting right now and both are at a stale mate.

    I don't want to leave this religion. At least I haven't been given ample reason too. I came here out of curiosity, and after this topic I will probably go back to lurking when I need to kill time.

  • mouthy

    I am the 83plus old granny on board. I welcome you. But I will from now on keep you in MY prayer
    You see I was a Faithful Jehovah's Witness for 25 years. Made 10 people follow me!!!. But I hope you
    really check out the religion. You are in a cult. A follower of Man. Of course you dont want to leave
    because you must not think for yourself. You have to be told what to do, when to do it ,how to do it.
    etc:At least you had the guts to post on here. Do your self a.
    favor read Crises of Conscience ....My daughter must not speak to me because i dont believe
    Jesus came invisably in 1914.INVISABLY!!!! Do you believe that??? If not dont tell anyone
    else you to will be DF.And none of your loved ones will speak to you.Because the old men at
    Brooklyn tell them all "YOUR DEAD"
    If you want to learn...Keep lurking ! some of us get funny at times, we kid each other,
    we dont all have to agree, but we care for each other. This is a place you will find what JESUS
    THE WAY !TRUTH !& LIFE reminded us of TO LOVE one another( even our enemies )
    God bless

    POWER_OF_YOUTH! < Praying for !!!!!!Yes I am MOUTHY!!!!

  • Frank75

    And Canadian Eh Mouthy?

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