I was freaked out on the six screens of the wt confrence call tonight

by JunkYardDog 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    I guess this line does not apply to critical examination of six screens information, such as johnny the bethelite?

    We encourage Jehovah's Witnesses and those who are not to examine the information critically


    UnCool aidman

    The underlying theme is transparent here; the information fed from the Watchtower Society is not from Jehovah,
    rather from a group of wealthy men in Brooklyn New York.".....RF

    What group of Wealthy Men would that be?..

    The WBT$ GB live off the Wealth of the WBT$..But..

    They are not Wealthy Men..

    Is there anything you say,that isn`t BullShit?..

    No JW is going to listen to you..

    Educated ex-JW`s know your Not Telling the Truth..

    The only Audience you have Left,is You and a Few Crazies..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • free2beme

    Never a shortage of people with their own views on the bible, looking for followers. I always make fun of them, as I know insanity when I see it.

  • Iamallcool

    Rick, you have a HUGE number of non supporters. Wake up, Rick!

  • Iamallcool

    When you have a huge number of non supporters among ex jws and jws, it is NOT working out too well for you. You need to smell the coffee! Wake up Rick!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am new to this garbage. When I visited the site, I found a lot of Bible Student literature. It sounds every bit as wacky as the Witnesses. Having your hq in Brooklyn is not a distinction. I see no distinction. Upon reflection, Mormonism and Bible Students and JWs and Scientolgoists just appear off the wall. Presbyterians, Lutherans and Catholics all hold wacky teachings, too. I do judge by my gut.

    I'd prefer Sarah Palin to Mitt Romney, the more I learn about Mormons the more I am alarmed. Who would escape the Witnesses and care about numerology in some minor prophet? I can't believe the Witness spin-off stuff I see. It looks like there was no theoretical disagreement concerning doctrine but rather a difference in personalities. We all can't lead the largest group. It does seem about leading and preaching rather than serving.

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