I was freaked out on the six screens of the wt confrence call tonight

by JunkYardDog 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Also, a few weeks ago he had a guest (can't recall the name) who has written books that tweak and critique certain JW doctrines but end up really being the same sort of BS. I couldn't listen to him for more than five minutes he was so pretentious and Dub-like.

  • ohiocowboy

    Glentrevette, If you are having those feelings, PLEASE seek help immediately! Either call 911 or look on the net for numbers to national suicide hotlines. They will guide you and help you with the encouragement you need. Please do not let others comments cause you to do something bad to yourself. I have been in the same situation, and I let others comments cause me to do harm to myself. PLEASE do NOT let this happen to you!!! I care, and i feel bad for what you are going through.

    You said you need something to believe in. Believe in YOURSELF! I know it can be difficult, but it can be done, especially if you have someone who you can talk to when you are feeling down, or feeling like hurting yourself.

    Again, please call for help. PLEASE do it!

    I am sending positive thoughts your way, and hope you do the right thing.

    There are some empathetic, caring people here-(it may be hard to believe) but there really are those who are willing and desire to give you encouragement as many of us have been in the same or similar situations as you are.

    As long as you don't give up, you will find what you are looking for.

    I wish you the best, and if you want to PM me, feel free.

    Here is the number to the National Suicide Hotline in the USA:

    1-800-273-8255 It is completely free and anonymous.

    Take care of yourself!!!


  • Alfred

    Ohio Cowboy... thanks!!! Let me put that number up again....


  • JRK


    It gets better with time. Give it more time. Jumping is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    We understand how you feel like no one else can. We also know how professionals can help. Please call for that help now!


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Relax guys, I'm quite sure this glentrevette character doesn't mean it. If you read the rest of his posts, you'll see that he is just making comments off the cuff, not really thought through or relevant.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I think Rick "Russell" Feron is the whack job of the decade. He was anointed as a JW and doesn't want to give up his ruling with Christ status evidently. But of course HE has the Truth now. Pastor Rick wants you!

  • shamus100

    Dear god, just click on the website and see how nutty it is. Anyone who takes Rick seriously should not be on the net - scammers will take you for every penny you're worth. ;)

  • Deceived

    I find his stuff kind of over the top and his Voice OMG. I didn't know he was a whack job though, he seemed sincere to me but I haven't followed him that much. So is he a Pastor now?

  • moshe
    i have not gone to a meeting in 3 years and feel totally empty and lost with nothing to live for and no longer have any friends or family-

    Believe in your job, then make the world a better place by volunteering to help the sick, elderly and homeless in your community. Go back to school and get new training or pick an new career path, do this and stop worrying about the old KH gang of retards.

  • thetrueone

    He was anointed as a JW and doesn't want to give up his ruling with Christ status evidently.

    An anointed wack job, plus a power seeking opportunist / attention seeker with his own web site.

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