a couple questions for everyone here

by deservingone26 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mrsjones5

    Darling, I've read your posts. You have nothing new to tell me but I can appreciate the fact that you're here to learn from us and boy do you have a lot to learn.

  • deservingone26

    and i have 2 aunts with autistic children they dont beat their kids! it sounds like you had alot of bad experiences while being a witness which alot of ppl have had including myself but again it is my goal to not worry about what others are doing or might say about me my goal is to make jehovah proud of me! easier said then done but its still a goal i am gonna work hard on

  • mrsjones5

    Darling, I was never a witness but I was raised in the madness. I've seen my share of children being beat for not sitting still and yes I've been on the receiving end of a meeting beatdown. I have four children, one of whom is autistic, and I decided a long time ago that I was not going to raise my children that way and they would never be subjected to a kingdom hall.

    If your goal is to make jehovah proud then you know according to the watchtower you're not suppose to be here associating with apostates and unbelievers. But I think there's hope for you yet because you're still here and have already admitted that you plan to continue to come here.

    Welcome to the board.

  • deservingone26

    thank you, i like reading the different posts here

    but you said it correctly according to the watchtower not jehovah, i am on my way back in from being disfellowshipped too, but i do believe this will be a good place to witness at once i get more knowledge of the bible. there are alot that dont believe in god here but there are alot who still do believe in god as well and the bible so an an occasional post here and there wont be doing anything wrng

  • mrsjones5

    What to you mean by "too"? I'm not disfellowshipped. And no this is not a good place to witness. Get that thought out of your mind right now. There are folks here who will eat you alive and spit you out if you dare to think that you can preach the watchtower drivel to them. We've all been there done that and most folks here don't have the patience or stomach for it. We know the lie of the "truth" only too well and for someone to come here and try to spew that crap is like nails on a chalkboard.

  • deservingone26

    no i meant im disfellowshipped so if you really get down to it i am not a witness right now! dont worry tho im not going to post everyday and post on every topic just the one who i can relate to cuse while it might be nails to a chalk board to you there are thousands of other members here, maybe one of them might want to hear my opinion on things

  • mrsjones5

    Opinions are cool, preaching is not.

    *Yawn* it's bedtime for me


  • Podobear

    Hey Deserving:

    I don't see why anyone needs alcohol and drugs to get "high" on life. Have you tried filling your lungs with "fresh" air and your blood stream with crystal clear water? Try it more often and give your life a real "hit", man.

    I became a JW because I genuinely believed it to be the "Truth" as penned in God's word, I genuinely thought I was helping people along the path to Eternal Life in Christ Jesus, I genuinely wanted to reach out and help.

    That desire remains with me. I took up a degree in a discipline allied to Medicine... and I help people. ... out of pain.

    No, I am not an Atheist... and neither do I hold to any Religious denomination or faith sub set.

    My faith as a JW taught me to have a one on one with my Creator and his only begotten Son. I do just that.. and it is helping me through the most difficult time.. the loss of my Mother.

    My/Your/Her destiny is determined by one person alone....The Author of the Universe.

    Cuddle up.

  • still thinking
    still thinking


    Do you think you can gain favour at the kingdom hall by "saving" an apostate on here?

    If its a notch on your belt you are looking for you really have come to the wrong place.

    Personally I welcome your comments and questions. But that is a very different thing to witnessing to me!!!!! Of course I can only speak for myelf, but the minute I sense this I will stop looking at your posts.

    I hope you come back and participate or just read and learn from all the knowledge on here. You might realise you have more than 2 options in life. Party or Relgion.

    You can still believe in God/Jehovah/Jesus and develop your faith without the watchtower breathing over you and being rejected by the people you love and care about.

    Take your time live. If you genuinly pray for the truth it will come. But praying for the truth means that it may not fit in with what you think is the truth and you need to be open to accepting that.

  • Lily Pie
    Lily Pie

    I don't know if it's worth adding an extra comment.

    But. In my experience being raised in the stressful Jehovah's Witness home environment is more likely to be the contributer for alcoholism, drug abuse or having poor future direction.

    Deservingone26. I suggest you join a sporting club, or something similar so you can meet some well adjusted people of your own age. Please make sure you get a proper skill and/or education. Please, pretty please look into doing these two things even if you do continue to go to Kingdom Hall.

    You also said you want to learn more about the bible. Well read Galatians. Study it hard in different translations. www.biblegateway.com It is a short book. Paul is warning the Galatians against false gospel.


    Lily Pie

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